Roon Ready Certification for WiiM

Additionally I have my Chord Poly Mojo2 combo and an iFi Go Bar gold rpi endpoint and that is about it for headphone use
IMO you get more value for money buying additional headphones, you don’t necessarily need to upgrade, just get something with a different sound that you enjoy.
I love FIIO gear, my latest FIIO purchase is the FT5 planar headphone, incredible for metal music.
Still have the FH7 IEMs and use them daily out of the house.


I love my M11 Plus Ess fabulous device and work flawlessly with Roon.


Thanks for your message Michael. And thanks for all the information.

I don’t follow the forum as closely as I used to, and I’m a ‘light’ Roon user compared to most. Plus I don’t use ARC.

From what you say, I’m sorry that there have indeed been problems with Roon this year. I want to take this opportunity to personally aplogise to Simon @Simon_Arnold3 for dismissing his concerns out-of-hand, without the requisite background, in the manner I did. I was obviously ill-informed and my responses were therefore inappropriate.

Many apologies Simon, and thanks Michael. I obviously need to spend more time on the forum to make sure I’m up-to-speed! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


FiiO are really on their game this year, with the release of some awesome RR products. The R7 is on John Darko’s list of the best of 2023:

Getting back to WiiM, I’m just waiting for the delivery of a Pro from Amazon. I got an open-box for £100, and I’m going to use it to add Roon to the bedroom 5.1 system :smiley:

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Glad you said that as I have several pairs now :face_with_peeking_eye::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I was watching a review of the FT5 last night, they seem incredible value for money.


Martin you are a top gentleman and all is good

For light Roon user’s, without ARC, a large collection or the wrong named artists in your library you would likely never notice issues, besides search sometimes times out. For those who have all of the above it had sometimes been a tough experience using Roon.

After a frustrating year for many, things are moving in the right direction with some good updates and a lot of work being done in the background by Roon staff.

If you have not recently used ARC, it might be a good chance to look again as it is making some good progress in the last two weeks. Not sure why you would though when you carry that FIIO everywhere full of music :grin:

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Does it do 5.1 through Roon (over Toslink or SPDIF).
It’s a great little device and my son has one going to his Onkyo stereo amp at university and he loves the flexibility.

No, I don’t think it does. But I plan to take the TOSLINK from the WiiM into my Sony receiver, and I think that can do some DSP to simulate surround.

Has the new firmware dropped now? :smiley:

Nope, and second check since I got up :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


It’s like waiting for bloody Christmas!! :rofl:


No worries Martin, I have been a bit full on of late with my feelings over it. Perhaps I need to step back and let them sort it all out. They will get there eventually.

Still no sign of the Wiim update didn’t think it would land over the weekend as if it goes wrong who’s going to fix it, unless LinkPlay support is 24/7. Maybe overnight tonight as it will be a Monday somewhere.


Do you go to the wiim app or the roon app in order to know if it’s won the upgrade lottery? :grin:

Both, but it looks like previously they have required a post certification firmware update, though they pushed one out on the 11/12 so who knows :thinking:

It doesn’t look like anyone is seeing it yet though

Wiim said they need to push out firmware to add it as its only on test units. Then it will be a lottery to see if Roon did push out their server side bit to accept it as certified. Or we will get the same thing that seems to have happened to all Marantz/Denon kit after last Heos update on Thursday where we know see them as Uncertified Roon Ready devices. Something not mentioned in the release notes so something is a foot.


One of the guys asked them in the WIIM support forum when it would happen and they said over the weekend.
But for various reasons that might not have happened.

I can imagine your excitement building at the thought aof getting it on the Merantz


I am keeping level headed about it with a pinch of scepticism which as you know from me by know is my normal stance!!!


I thought you worked the other way around :grin::face_with_peeking_eye:

Got to be hard not to get a bit excited by the possibility of having that live.

Imagine if it took a Hegel length of time to become Roon Ready … And that is where some healthy scepticism comes in :scream:


Not sure they released a firmware update like this though it was just promised. But yeah it not often they are left like this for long these days. It’s only this year there has been a huge backlog. Maybe because the latest range of Denon/Marantz are being certified as they would be a lot of different units.

One thing it can’t be kept quiet now as it won’t take long for this news to spread before any official announcement.

I think you need to look up hint in the dictionary :joy::joy:

For fussy @ged_hickman1

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