Roon Ready Certification for WiiM

If it worked as advertised maybe, but it hasnt for some time.

Sorry to say, but it’s probably ‘your network’?

I bought a Nucleus and connected it to an ‘uncomplicated’ network four yers ago, and it hasn’t missed a beat.

What’s your problem?

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No Martin get a grip please and follow the trails. Support is filled with what they broke and its an awful lot. And yes they have admitted its them not our network so enough of that crap mantra please. They also broke it massivley with previous build crashing core because they had broken LastFM integration. I have had no isssues until this last year where its been terrible with more isssues over the last 3-4 months than I have had in 6 years with Roon,

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Sorry, but you’re ill-informed.

For the vast majority of users, Roon works just fine. The forum posts support that supposition.

I’ve never had any of the problems you describe, and it’s worked pretty faultlessly for the last few years.

I think ‘complicated’ networks, with unsupported NUC’s and managed switches cause problems for a lot of people.

Keep it simple, and you’ll be happy :grinning:

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No Martin you appear to be.

I think you’re in the minority. And probably always will be.

The facts support that Roon works fine for the vast majority of users.

As to the unfortunate minority? I dunno WFT you’re ‘doing’? But GET WITH THE PROGRAM! :rofl:

Great to live in a bubble. You obvioulsy didnt read them then. Lots of users having same issues I am just one of too many. Nuclues users having issues in there to. Of course its all our networks :man_facepalming: What are we all thinking. Funny how support are not thinking that and trying to fix ite. This is only a few of the threads covering these issues.

There are tens of thousands of satisfied Roon users around the world.

I am truly sorry that you, and the vocal minority have such a problem with it. I hope you get your problems resolved soon :smiley:

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Martin I thought to start you were playing along with Simon, but I see you actually believe all the words you have written.

I :heart: Roon and I do not have a huge number of problems myself, but this year I have had many Roon core crashes after the ARC with debacle and if this didn’t impact you, it certainly did impact many Roon users. After months of telling user’s that it was their network’s they finally admitted that there was a Core crashing bug impacting those users who happened to use as well as Roon to Scrobble their music listening.

There have also been many bugs in ARC and Roon Cloud services (Search, daily mixes) failing and while I feel Roon are currently on a good trajectory of software improvements, I don’t think you can tell people to buy a Nucleus to fix Roon issues that are of their own supported software support system.

The recent Cloud and Search issues have impacted many user’s with Nucleus as well as Macs and Nucs and some of this might be related to the music content in our libraries, where we live etc.

Roon has become a much more complicated beast since 2.0 was released and that is going to require much more work from Roon to make it works worldwide for a larger market with 100% uptime and at this point Roon is not up to that task. I am hopeful that it will be in the future though.

I agree that there are many users who have no Room issues, but there are many users who are running fully supported setups who have lots of issues (Sonos users for a start). Roon must work for all supported configurations and not just the simplest setup. (Sometimes I feel supporting less options would help here)

Otherwise I 100% agree that the WIIM Pro Plus and the hopefully future WIIM Amp certification has huge potential for Roon and brings it into the Everyman area of music playback.


And I love Roon too it does a lot of things right and well but there is a lot it keeps getting wrong and for those it’s impacted over the last year it’s become a bit much and we are voicing our opinion more loudly than normal as they need to up their game.


BTW has anyone in this thread seen Roon Ready update on the WIIM Pro Plus yet?

I check mine about every 2 hours but soon I will need to sleep :rofl::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I think most people on this forum do, but challenge and pushback is essential on improving the product.

Even at its worst, Roon to me is still the best software for music library management and playback about.

I also really like some of the posts from the newer Room talking about problems that have been found and are being fixed. This bodies well for the future of Roon to me.

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Oh, you mean what this thread was supposed to be about? :wink:

I keep hoping and checking, too!

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Haha I saw people on the Wiim forum even querying which time zone “tomorrow” was.
I have the Pro plus too feeding my K9 Pro (AKM) DAC which sounds amazing with Tidal connect so am itching to try Roon

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I was too busy checking for an update to read the thread and then :man_facepalming:

I take it you have not received your update yet either?

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Quite jealous as I am using mine with the original K5 Pro Which I still really enjoy a lot and with so many head amplifiers in the house I cannot justify upgrading again :face_with_peeking_eye:

It’s already tomorrow, so hopefully this will be the day for at least one of us :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Agree, it’s not helpful though when people just say it must be the network.
I largely have a good experience with Roon, even ARC works now and sounds incredible.
I feel for the people who do have issues and rely on community members for support.

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It had an update the 7th but nothing since.


100% that the recent changes to ARC have been fantastic and I had over 4 hours using it in the car today and it was a pleasure :grin::+1:

As a community we do what we can to help fellow users, but that’s limited as Roon is a complex system and there is only a limited amount of advice we can give.

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Yes the same as me. At least we know it’s on the way.
It’s probably being delivered over WiFi on a slow network link :rofl:

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