Roon Remote vs Roon Server - High memory usage

Roon Server Machine

Server Version 2.0 (build 1359)
Remote Version 2.0 build 1359
Mac M1, 14.2.1 (23C71)

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

203,071 tracks

Description of Issue

Why are we running both programs?
Roon Appliance using 6 GB ram sometimes this goes to 12 GB
Roon is using 856 MB ram

Why is it consuming so much ram?

Shut down the one you don’t need.

It was always so, but in the past the server was integrated into the Roon Core. Since the November update the server is simply separated out into its own process. It’s all explained here in the release notes:

200K tracks falls into the „very large library“ category, so non-trivial resource usage is probably to be expected.

If 12 is normal on Mac, I don’t know. Is it growing over time after you reboot? Some people have reported possibly memory leaks. And how much RAM do you have?

Total 16 GB

Thanks for response! What s/w should I keep ? With automatic update enabled why is’nt the 2.0.25 version loaded

If you are running Roon (what was previously called the Roon Core) on the Mac, then you need both Roon and Roon Server running. Roon is the GUI control app, Roon Server is what’s responsible for the audio.

The version numbers are unfortunately a bit confusing, but you are running …

and these are the latest versions (while 2.0.25 (build 1353) was the update from November which introduced the Roon / Roon Server split for the first time)

You can always find the latest versions listed here:

Does Activity Monitor show it swapping? Probably yes. I was asking about the amount of RAM because RAM is there to be used and empty RAM helps no-one, but with 16 GB RAM it seems maybe a bit much for Roon Appliance to be using 12 GB.

But I am not entirely sure what’s normal on Mac because I run Roon Server on ROCK. On my Macbook, the Roon app (i.e., just the GUI remote, nothing else from Roon is running) is using 1.5 GB (out of 16) which seems quite normal.

Maybe someone else can chime in who runs Roon Server on Mac.
If you reboot the Mac, how much RAM does Roon Appliance use initially, and does it grow over time?

Thank you Suedkiez, something isn’t Right what happens when other machines don’t have 16 GB

Well it would be swapping as always when RAM is not enough, and with an SSD you’d probably hardly notice, but it does seem high. ROCK does not swap and 8 GB are supposed to be enough for very large libraries. Now, ROCK runs nothing but Roon server and you’d have to add the overhead for macOS and so on, but nevertheless.

E.g., I found an older thread were people are reporting around 4-7 GB or so on Mac:

Let’s see what official support has to say when this thread reaches the head of their queue.

I’m using a 2018 mini with 8GB RAM (Sonoma 14.3) and total usage is 5.6GB with RoonAppliance using 1.7GB and RoonServer using 210MB - I have about 60,000 tracks in my library, of which 40,000 are local files on a NAS. Now that it only uses Roon Server, memory usage on Mac (this one anyway) is WAY better - almost no leak, and everything is very snappy.

Thank you for your data Rockhound…

More information on my Roon memory usage!
I shut Roon off and hours later without Roon running Activity Monitor shows ~ 5.3 GB of Ram STILL used by Roon… What is going on here? Both Roon Appliance and Roon are Eating Ram.

Hi @Badbruno ,

As @Suedkiez noted, you have a fairly large library here, so using larger amounts of RAM is to be expected. Does the RAM usage stabilize at some point?

I’m going to enable diagnostics mode for your account, and what that does is upload a log set for review when the server is next online.

We can look over the logs for clues, but this may just be normal behavior if you have lots of edits made to your library. You are also welcome to look over the Roon logs yourself if you want, they can be accessed with these instructions.