This afternoon shuffling through the tracks of a playlist of about 100 albums became an exercise in patience, with 20 to 30 seconds of silence between numbers. Just to remind myself how snappy things can be, I activated Qobuz on the dCS Mosaic control app, searched for an album that came recommended in the “listening to Electronic”- thread and wow, instant gratification! Search and find, playback, jumping back and forwards, all without the risk of time outs, losing connection etc. And yes, I know, this app offers nowhere near the user experience or information depth of Roon. But it reminds me of what Roon can do, when it’s functioning.
Meanwhile ROON has BUILD 1357
Did anyone test it with BUILD 1357 ?
Did you?
On my system I find no difference. Contextual search still spawns 150 new threads, CPU spikes for a moment, and the contextual search for ‘The The’ returns results in about 2s… just as with build 1353.
I did in early access testing but as I never had any issues (other than The The taking a few seconds longer than other searches) I can’t say if it made a difference for those who had them
Early doors on 1357
At least it tells you that quickly.
I just tried search for The The and Roon Server returned the answer in <5 seconds on 1357, whereas I cancelled the search after waiting for 3 minutes when running 1353, so vast improvement on Roon Nucleus.
Yeah it took about 20 seconds. Incredible
No i did not my roon because it is actually far away from me
Search “autocomplete” is faster. Full results when pressing enter seem a bit brisker also.
The The search still takes a couple of seconds.
Other performance indicators seem same as before, such as focusing on Favorite Artist tag while in Albums view…- (around a minute)
As far as I understand the build generation policy, it should be vastly identical with Build 1356 which I am running for a week or so.
On my system with my library it is stable and smooth. Search response time has improved and I also had the feeling that it is not eating up RAM that quickly at least for the first 24 or 48h active. Nevertheless after 3 or 4 days RAM usage almost doubled and everything slowed down noticeably (my litmus test is the time period it takes to compile my most productive composers´ composition lists). So I returned to daily automatic shutdown and reboot routine.
Now it is really fun to use roon, it’s quite snappy. I got the feeling back!
Yeah think this is same as early release we’ve had for a bit. I haven’t noticed any improvements in search since. So for me, I’d rather have some of these exciting new features while I wait for search to get fixed. Now I don’t have search working or new features
Possible they’ll release some new features to the early access group before year end but I doubt it. Even though early access they still want the system to run and not deal with it under limited holiday staff.
Some have already been released in EA, it’s just that they need some fixes for issues found in testing and they removed them so that they could release 1357 to fix the issues in Production.
It’s quite obvious from those release notes that all the effort is going into ARC.
But not a word about ARC and DAP
I just tried the ‘The The’ search with the new software version and it still does not work with my Roon Windows Innuos Zenith core setup.
Does anyone else have issues with this?
It could be my set-up?
It is quite obvious to me that a team at the size of Roon’s can’t do everything at the same time. Sometimes it will be this (and ARC dearly needed improvement, it’s not if people didn’t ask for it) and sometimes it will be that.
This release didn’t fix the issue with iOS remotes crashing and not connecting whilst appearing to be connected that a lot of us are having in production sadly. Search is backend and they has said it’s being looked at but will be ongoing whilst they work it out so I would not expect it to have been in this release. It’s a little snappier than it was for my library but nothing to shout out about. I don’t however get the issue connecting starting remotes on Mac or windows so that at least has been sorted.
Installed Roon update (build 1357) et ouila, it works beautifully again on my Innuos Zenith SE! Search is faster than ever for me. Marc-André Hamelin search is almost instant.
Thank you folks at Roon for all your hard work in sorting this aspect of the problem out!
Oh they didn’t release the new ARC download features. I haven’t really looked over the production release notes. I’m still 100% remote worker so ARC arrived a few years too late for me and not much use for it.