Roon Server 1272 on Windows 11, Intermittent High CPU / Memory

Windows 11 22H2, Ryzen 9 5950X, 64 GB memory. Roon Server and Roon are on this same system. Library is 1536 albums, 18.4K tracks.

RoonAppliance.exe will occasionally begin consuming large amounts of memory (25+ GB) and CPU resources, causing the rest of the system to stutter, becoming particularly noticeable when gaming or watching video content. If I stop Roon Server and start it again, the app behaves normally for hours. This condition has been happening about once a day, with light usage of the Roon app.

Itā€™s not the only issue Iā€™ve had with Roon Server 1272, so definitely looking forward to the next release. :slight_smile: Iā€™ve not had any trouble with this server setup with any previous versions.


Hi @Sheb,

Our apologies for the slow response. I found a whole host of internal communications surrounding the thread you shared and your own post.

It seems we have an issue with .NET and there are two potential fixes.

  1. Check your installed version of .NET in your installed programs vs what is listed on the Microsoft site and update it accordingly. There is also a .NET repair tool that can be used.

  2. Follow the instructions you see in the thread you shared to reinstall Roon Server.

Both seem to have fixed the issue for others. Weā€™re currently looking at ways we can prevent this from happening but these are our best recommendations.

I think that in your case, having so much memory has actually kept you from crashing out like others were reporting but it has the same root cause.


For what itā€™s worth, it looks like Iā€™m running .NET Framework 4.8.09032. I know 4.8.1 is available, but Windows Update isnā€™t downloading it even when I manually check for updates, and I generally try not to mess with it.

Iā€™m guessing the move to .NET (Core) 6 in the 1272 build has caused some long days for the devs. I donā€™t have .NET Core installed on my system, and Iā€™m unsure the interplay between .NET Core and the traditional .NET Framework. Microsoft makes all this very confusing.

Iā€™ll just wait for the next Roon release. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi again, just wanted to check in and see if there was any news about an update for RoonServer app?

I still have this issue daily, and am at this point just shutting down the RoonServer app when Iā€™m not actively working with my music, and bringing it back up when I am. If I leave it up, itā€™s a matter of hours before it starts to noticeably interfere with media and network applications and I bring it down again.

Iā€™m sure the devs are working hard on an update, and this was mostly a client app info sharing post, along with an effort to make sure the thread doesnā€™t auto-close :slight_smile:

Why not 1277 version?

Iā€™m sorry, I donā€™t know how on Earth I missed that 1277 was out. Looks like it came out a while ago, June 13?

It looks like I am on 1277. I am not sure when it took affect, but I believe it was recently. Just now after seeing your post, when I checked the About page in Roon, it still showed 1272 for a brief moment before the text changed to to 1277. In addition, I have been occasionally downloading and reinstalling the RoonServer app. The last time I downloaded and reinstalled was June 27, so the file I got was still on 1272.

I believe the issue happened yesterday, but not today. Iā€™ll continue to monitor. I wonder if other clients saw improvements after the update to 1277.


Just an update, Iā€™m now on version 1300. This is still happening, but it seems to be less often, every couple of days instead of multiple times per day. Iā€™ve been watching the process a little more closely. Sometimes Iā€™ll look and RoonAppliance.exe is using many more GB than it was the last time I looked. Once it gets to 17+ GB I start to have issues in media and network apps.

Still happening on 1303. I updated on August 14, and both mornings since, RoonAppliance.exe has been sitting at over 10 GB memory, with occasional 30-60 second periods of debilitating CPU spikes. I start and stop Roon Server and itā€™s good againā€¦ until it isnā€™t, then I repeat.

I have had the same problem for a long time and itā€™s causing problems as Iā€™m using hqplayer with Roon. When Roon suddenly hogs up basically all the CPU power, music stops.

CPU: 13900k
OS: Ubuntu server (minimal installation)
RAM: 32gb
Library size: 300 albums (Qobuz, no local files)
Other: No other software running on the server, but Roon server and hqplayer.

I have also tried to disable wifi kernel module as Iā€™ve seen potential connection to wifi, but that should rule it out from the picture (it didnā€™t help). Iā€™ve also tried hocus pocus trics like cpulimit to limit Roon process, but instead of limiting the weird thing it does, it cuts music.

If Roon is doing some internal scanning etc, it would be really nice if there was some internal dropdown like ā€œCPU usageā€ with options Aggressive,Normal,Polite. In Polite mode it would minimize the scanning to like 10% CPU usage and always prioritize playback. When people add massive amount of new albums or so, they could termporarily put it to Aggressive to quickly go through everything and then switch back to Polite. I believe also laptop users would appreciate this feature.

However, to me this looks like an unfixed bug as there already is Throttled option for audio analysis speed and that didnā€™t help either.

EDIT: Came here to say that restarting Roon always helps and that problem doesnā€™t seem to return right away. I havenā€™t investigated further, but it may be that the problem develops over day or days of usage (some carbage collection problem in code?). One can add this to crontab to get automated restarts for Roon every morning to have it clean for the day:

00 07 * * * /usr/sbin/service roonserver restart

Still happening on 1311. This is getting rather frustrating as I recently paid for a lifetime subscription and Iā€™ve barely been using the application. Iā€™m waiting to get to the point where I donā€™t have to constantly manage the state of this server application. If I run the app, itā€™s only a matter of hours before I have to stop it. And if I stop it, Iā€™m certainly not rushing to start it, so I leave it off.

@Wes, do the developers know about this? I could really use an update.

Hello @Sheb ,

Thanks for your message here. Wes is no longer with Roon, but to answer your question, yes we have been looking into a few related reports with our developers and we believe we have (very recently) found a possible cause of this leakage due to .NET garbage collection behavior. We have been able to reproduce similar behavior and we are looking into ways to address it. We will likely have the fix go out to Early Access testers first, so I would suggest keeping an eye on the Early Access release notes category for when it ships (no timeline that I can share yet). Thanks!

Hi @noris, thanks for the update. Thatā€™s encouraging news! On a related note, in the post above my last one, a Linux user is using crontab to schedule a restart of the roonserver service. This is a clever idea that could serve as something of an automatic work around. Do you know if there is a graceful way to perform a restart of the Roon Server application via a command in Windows? The Roon Server app doesnā€™t run as a Windows Service, so I canā€™t do it that way, and I donā€™t want to just force-quit the running process.

Just checking in. Are there debug-level logs I can enable to assist? This very reliably happens most, if not all, mornings after I leave the server app running overnight.

Hi @Sheb ,

Thanks for your message. We are still looking into this, but if you would like to have a better idea of what the issue we found was, please see this thread:

The change still hasnā€™t made it into Early Access yet, but we will update the release notes once it does.

Much better on 1353. Memory utilization is slowly creeping up, though. Since it was installed on Nov 9, it has crept up to about 9 GB of memory allocated. Still hasnā€™t bogged down performance yet, but I imagine once it gets up to the 17 GB range like it used to, it will return. Still, having to restart the app once a month is a lot better than once a day. Iā€™m actually using it again.

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Hey @Sheb ,

Have you noticed the RAM creep up to 17GB or did it stabilize at some point?

Hi @noris , weā€™re up to 15 GB, but still no issues. Weā€™ll see what happens in a few days when it gets to the danger zone.

@Sheb and @noris, on my Linux server the memory management has been much better with the new release. Current uptime is around 11 days, and the system is very well-behaved in comparison to before the update. GC is much more effective.

One thing I have noticed for a long time is that my daily database update in the morning brings down RAM usage nearly to baseline levelsā€¦ Have never seen anyone else mention this, but this is my daily experienceā€¦

I did finally have to restart the server app. It wasnā€™t affecting system performance, but the Roon client app was unable to play tracks. The interface was functional, but playback would never start.

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