Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Fortigate 140D Firewall - Fortinet
Synology918 server - hosting music files
All devices wired directly via ethernet cat 6 cable to Fortigate 140D
All devices connected to the same network
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
Devialet 140
Description Of Issue
IP address for roon server configuration interface is displayed on roon server NUC console
Laptop and other devices can connect to IP address of Roon Server web interface
Roon server web interface says: Roon Database & Settings: Not Ready
Networking tab of Roon Server says: ethernet - No settings or configuration displayed
Wireless tab: disabled
Wireless tab: attempt to enable results in: Error saving settings: UnexpectedError
Attempts to reinstall fail with the following error: Something went wrong with the installation. Please check your internet connection and try again.
DHCP settings for Roon Server include DNS setting:
Last backup listed as June 18, 2020
Name resolution completes, I have tried multiple DNS services. Please see attached packet capture.
Name resolution for requested
DNS response
Server requests update responds with a redirect to and submits get request:GET /updates/stable/RoonServer_roonosx64_100700571.tar.bz2 HTTP/1.1
Download of file begins but client in never updated and roon server remains unresponsive. responds with a redirect to and submits get request:GET /updates/stable/RoonServer_roonosx64_100700571.tar.bz2 HTTP/1.1
Download of file begins but client is never updated/fails update and roon server remains unresponsive.
Can someone please review the information below and provide some guidance. I have been offline for almost a week and I haven’t received any recommendations for correcting the issue.
It doesn’t look like any of your screenshots came through properly. Can you please use the “upload screenshot” button so that they properly come through?
The section of networking with this information would be most helpful:
Has this Core been working previously and this is a new issue or did you just set this ROCK up?
Thanks for those screenshots. It looks like there’s an issue with the OS itself, so I would suggest a reinstall. I would suggest flashing a USB and following the ROCK Install Guide.