Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Netgear Orbi router + wifi satellites + various netgear switches for the wired network 1GB
The path in the house
QNAP → Netgear GS110MX → Netgear GS116GE → Netgear GS108 → Netgear Orbi Router → GS324T-100EUS → DCS Bartók
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
DCS Bartók networked
Description Of Issue
Roon responds slow to change songs (can take beyond a minute) and very slow to show any overview pages
This behaviour does not show up on my PC when I play songs from the same core. The PC and the QNAP are on the same switch
Just been tinkering with the settings in my GS324T enabling IGMP on all ports. The biggest lag seems gone for now. The overview page still isn’t as fast as on my PC next to the QNAP. The music switching both on Tidal and private network has dramatically improved for items in the library. New Tidal items are still slow and have considerable waiting time.
Performed a whole bunch of tests. The behavior is pretty erratic. Extreme waiting times seem to have vanished, but switching between local files, Tidal files from Library and non Library files on Tidal and sometimes in between local / Tidal files I still have wait times.
Any thoughts/ideas how to address some of the more erratic behavior
Still not sure what I need to do/provide to get proper support on my problems
My library responses are still extremely sluggish (330K songs) also Tidal makes no difference. Switching between the two seems even worse (e.g. a mixed playlist) on average takes 60 sec to move between songs. Switching between Tidal songs 23 sec. Switching between songs in local library 25sec and some exceptions (5 secs). No difference if a song is recently played or liked)
Worked through the various articles and how to to setup my network and switches accordingly. Did all the proposed changes no performance improvement so far. Would be keen to get more help/pointers
Hello @Jilco_Schuurmans ,
Thank you for your patience here while your case reached our queue.
Can you please clarify what you mean by the issue does not show on the PC? Are you using the PC as the output and you are not seeing the issue or are you using the PC just as a Roon Remote?
What happens if you switch over to the PC as the Roon Core and connect it in the same way as the QNAP, does the issue reproduce?
Open Roon on the other PC you wish to try as the Core
Roon Settings → General
On the “Choose your Core” screen, press “Use this PC”
If asked to Unauthorize, you can go ahead and do so. You are limited to one active Roon Core at a time but you are free to switch between them as often as you’d like.
Verify if the same behavior occurs on the different PC Core
@noris trying do to what you say on installing Roon Core onto my PC.
Unfortunately I cannot change the installation folder and my system drive is too full to host the Roon library. For reference the backup size of my Library (excluding the media files) is around 46GB. I simply cannot free up so much room on my system drive.
I did a complete rebuild of my network (the structure is same as per the picture above) by bringing all devices (routers, switches, access points) back to factory mode and build up all the settings again from the ground up.
The performance from all the local files on the server is back to normal. On Tidal the jury is out. It seems for now once a single track has loaded subsequent tracks are coming more rapidly however not instant (yes when you play a queue not when you skip between various tracks mid song).
When switching between local and Tidal files it is still glitchy.