Roon, Sonos and Stereo Pairs

Hello @Michael_Kulfan,

Thanks for contacting us regarding your questions! Let me answer them below:

  1. Yes, you can apply DSP to Sonos zones.

  2. That blurb means that you can pair two Sonos speakers together so that one plays to the left channel and one plays to the right channel but this grouping will have to be done in the Sonos app and can’t be done in Roon. You can group Sonos speakers in Roon but they will be outputting the same content to both channels if grouped that way. If you have the Sonos speakers grouped in a stereo pair, then they will only appear as one Zone in Roon.

  3. Yes, we have iOS remotes for iPad/iPhone/Android and you can even use PCs as Roon Remotes, for iOS you can find the Roon app in the iTunes Store.

The best way to experience Roon would be to take the trial out for a spin and review our Knowledge Base for info starting off but any other questions, just let me know!
