Roon stopped working after update 1.8 on Mac mini (Catalina)

Roon Core Machine

MacMini Catalina.

Networking Gear & Setup Details


Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

We had Roon working fine for a long time. This morning I updated it to 1.8 on an iPhone 11 and an iPad Pro. Now neither work any longer. All we are shown is the Roon icon and that is it. It never even finds the server.

Hi, @Luke23, thank you for your post. Could, please, answer the following questions and provide more data for us to investigate this problem:

  • Use the instructions described here on your machine running Roon Core and send roon logs from this machine to us?
  • Am I getting it right that you are seeing your core on the “Choose your Core” screen, but when you press “Connect” button you get an infinite Roon loading logo displayed on your remote? Could you, please, share a screenshot of what you are seeing?



No, I never get to the choose core screen. On the Mac mini roon server I just get a white screen with the Roon icon in the middle (see screenshot)


I am getting more and more upset. First Roon stops working through no fault of my own. Then I am being instrumentalised to sort out Roon’s problems … which I did. Roon sends me an email version of ivan’s message too. When I reply with a link to the logs my email message is undeliverable (no mails accepted to this address). So I have to publish the link here for all to see or jump through a few more hoops just so I can send a link to help Roon sort out their premature release of new software?

Thank you for the reply. I contacted you via Private Message.



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A post was split to a new topic: Roon not loading - require assistance

Thank you for uploading logs, @Luke23, I will examine them and talk to our dev team.

Sorry for troubles.


A post was split to a new topic: Database issue on Mac M1

2 posts were split to a new topic: Database issue on Mac Catalina

2 posts were split to a new topic: Database issue after updating

A post was merged into an existing topic: Database issue on Mac M1

Hi @Luke23 ,

Can you please exit out of Roon, navigate to your Database Location, and upload the contents of the Roon folder to the following link?

Please let us know once uploaded, thank you!

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Please ignore the Database and Archive uploads. The correct zipped folder is Full Roon Folder Luke23. It is being uploaded now.

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Thanks @Luke23, we got them :white_check_mark:

Our team will follow up on this thread.

I just read that a new version is out (882) and I installed it on the server and now I am glad to say everything is back to normal.

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