Roon TUI: A Roon Remote for the terminal - New: Zone Presets (v0.3.1)

Good to hear you figured it out.

Yes please, nice to read how Roon TUI is put into use.

This is a bug, when matching the input on an artist name the matching is also done within the string. In your example it matched at the end of the string, “Amber Coffman

When this is fixed “Angèle” will still not get matched because of the unicode character ‘è’ in the name. I will use your example to see if this can be improved. I guess these are the rough edges I promised :slight_smile: .

What I what to add is that the input can be cleared by pressing the Home key, another press will then bring you to the top of the list.


Okay, I think I understand what’s happening now.

When I start roon-tui and go to Search, and enter “radio”, I get no results the first time I perform the search. If I repeat the search, results are returned. This behaviour is repeatable.

Working very well for me :wink:

Big thanks @Jan_Koudijs :pray:

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Installed it via brew on my M1 Mac mini. Works fine, using the iTerm terminal app. Thanks!

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Hi @Jan_Koudijs ,
Maybe another test case. Artists (sorted by first name, last name) until z (Zuzana Ferenčiková), then Aleksandr Galič (unicode), then other artists starting from a, which do not appear above. Are they encoded differently? Mostly but not all from Qobuz. In the roon app Aleksandr Galič is the last one.

I’d be curious as to who is using RoonTUI and why they are using it. For myself, using an Ubuntu PC as my primary computing device, before RoonTUI there were no good options. At least no options that appealed good to me…

  1. Wine is possible, but it’s flaky in my experience, and I have low tolerance for buggy technology, so that’s out for me.
  2. Roon in a Windows guest VM is theoretically possible. But the only VM I have - Oracle VirtualBoxVM - has OpenGL limitations that keep Roon from running.
  3. Running RoonBridge on my Linux PC and using another nearby device (phone or pad) to manage playback is clearly an option. But as a boomer, I’m happiest when my phone stays in my pocket - not generationally inclined to be switching back and forth between multiple devices.

So having listed all my reasons for not having Roon on my Linux PC so far, I’m in hog heaven now. Listening to Roon tunes as I type this reply! Awesome. Thanks again.

More on that point…

Lots of ways to get RoonTUI actually executing. I had hoped to get it into my Ubuntu 22.04.3 dock bar. But that was not to be due to it running in a terminal, which is already in my dock bar. So when RoonTUI runs, it’s just shown as an additional instance of any already running terminal sessions.

But I WAS able to get a nice Roon icon onto my desktop that makes RoonTUI just one mouse click away (bottom left corner).

Now if there was just an easy way to not have to key in my password to satisfy the use of the sudo command?

Not sure what you mean. roon-tui runs as a local user.

Interesting, for when I remove the sudo preface from the ./roon-tui command line, I get the following…

Hi @Jan_Koudijs,

Version 0.0.3 solved the error I had when starting Roon-TUI. The error was probably the result of the first endpoint not being available, because I shut it down every evening. Tested this just now with version 0.0.3 and it is working fine!
Thank you.

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I’m using the prebuilt binary, but when building (0.1) it runs as local user, too. I’ll build from source this evening and see if that runs without sudo.

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I can confirm roon-tui works just fine as an ordinary user on macOS (when building from source). I would expect Linux to be a similar experience.

You have to check the access rights of the folder where you stored roon-tui. Your user account has read/execute access, allowing you to run roon-tui, but it does not have write access. Write access is needed to store settings in the config.json file. My advice is to store the executable in a sub directory of your user account’s home folder, to prevent permission errors.

The next release will allow you to specify the location of config.json on the command line. Then you can have the executable in a system folder and the configuration file in your home folder.


I do.

That’s where it is.

What I noticed, however, is that the config.json file is owned by root. And anyone else only has read access. That perfectly explains why sudo is required for it to run. When my user ID executes RoonTUI, it does not inherit permission necessary to write to the config.json file.

I think I know what happened. The first time you started roon-tui you used sudo, meaning that the config file was created with root as owner, and sudo remained needed to change it. If you close roon-tui and delete the config.json file you can then start without sudo and enable the extension again in Roon. Alternative is to use sudo once more to change owner of the file.

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Yeah, was thinking that myself, and tried it. Unfortunately with no config.json file, it runs fine under my user ID, but it could not find the core anymore. So I restored the config.json file from trash, and it still can’t find the core.

What’s going on?

Thanks for the help, btw. :slight_smile:

Got to amend that… with all the folder renaming going on, the restore of the config.jaon file went to the wrong folder. Once I got it back to the right place, roon-tui finds that core just fine. But if I remove the config.json file, it cannot find the core.

As a test I downloaded another copy of the roon-tui file, and ran it. It too runs fine under my user ID, but cannot find the core.

Have you checked if the extension need re-enabling in your Roon Remote?

I checked, and that did it! Thanks!! So once the config.json is deleted, you need a new extension. Got it.

Working like a charm now, no sudo required. Cool.

So I guess the lesson learned is don’t execute roon-tui the first time under the auspices of sudo, but run it as the user that will be using it.