Roon won’t start or quit after Mac OS 10.12.6 upgrade

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)
Core is MacPro with OS 10.12.6
Can’t get Roon to start and can’t get it to quit. tried deleting it and reinstalling but my Mac says it can’t delete it because it’s in use.

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Running on a Mac mini with the same OS and hooked up by Ethernet cable. The network connection is good.

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Using a teac usb dac

Description Of Issue

Cant run Roon or get it to quit

Have you tried “Force Quit” or even better rebooting the Mac?

Did you install Roon or Roon Server. If it’s Roon Server, the Roon icon will show at the top right menu bar on the desktop. There is no Roon GUI with Roon Server.

As @Fernando_Pereira says, if you hold down Option-Command-ESC together you get this window, if Roon is showing up in there then you should force it to quit. Then I would suggest rebooting your Mac before trying to re-install Roon.

Yes, I did a number of restarts and also tried force quit many times. No luck.

It’s Roon server. What does GUI mean?

yes I do know how to exe+Ute a force quit. It didn’t work

Just trying to help.

RoonServer is for running your core headless, so you will not have a Graphical User Interface to interact with Roon unless you install the full version on your Mac as well. How do you usually control Roon? From your Mac or from a remote such as an iDevice?

You will see a Roon icon up in your toolbar, click on it and select quit, you should then be able to install a new instance of RoonServer on your MacPro.

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Hi Mark, Thanks for the clarification. I now realize that I was describing the problem incorrectly.

I am using my Minimac as a Server and now I understand what a GUI is. My core is a Mac pro which plays roon fine in my basement. My serious listening is done upstairs and the interface worked fine for the last 3 years. It just stopped working after I upgraded my Modem. Now I cant seem to connect.

Thanks Everyone for the help. I apologize for misdiagnosing the problem. I’ve had Roon for 6 years and this is a new problem for me. I’ll start a new thread with a more accurate description. Thanks again,

Hi @Jonathan_Sugarman,

Can I please request that you upload a set of logs from the affected machine by using these instructions? The best way to get them over to me would be via a shared Dropbox / Google Drive / link.

After sending the logs, on the Mac affected by this behavior I would try reinstalling the Roon app by manually setting the current install aside. You can do this by using these instructions:

  • Exit out of Roon
  • Navigate to your Roon’s Database Location
  • Find the folder that says “Roon”
  • Rename the “Roon” folder to “Roon_old”
  • Restart/Reinstall the Roon App to generate a new Roon folder

Can you give that a try and let me know if it works?

Hi Noris,
Thanks for following up. I am guilty of not describing my issue accurately. I was going to create a new thread but perhaps I can just start it here. I still need support.

A more accurate description is as follows:
I have my music on an external drive hooked up to a Mac Pro running OS 10.12.6. I am calling this my Core. I have no problem running Roon on my core through my little computer speakers.
My main music system is in another room and uses A Mac Mini (OS 10.12.6) as my streamer which normally receives the signal from my core via ethernet cable and I control it via iPad. It’s hooked up to a TEAC 501 DAC. The problem I’m having is that I cant get the Mac mini to see my music folder from my core. It’s worked for 4 years but just stopped working when I upgraded my modem.After spending over 6 hours on the Roon support pages I can’t find any clear instructions on how I can make this connection. Ialso just sent you my zipped Log file as suggested. Did I give you enough info to help? Thanks

Hi @Jonathan_Sugarman,

Based on your description above, it suggests that your Mac Pro is a Roon Client and not a Core, while the Mac Mini (which you control via you iPad) is the actual Core of the system.

This sounds very different than the issue you previously described. So there is no issue opening Roon on the Mac Mini nor quitting it, it is just that it is unable to see the music folder from your Mac Pro client?

Do you still have the drive set up to be shared on your Mac Pro? This guide provides instructions on how to set up the share to be accessible over the network.

Where did you send the logs? I am not seeing anything on my end.

Thanks Noris, I just got home from work. I’ll try what you suggested. My apologies for the misleading initial problem description. Even though I’ve been using Roon for 5 years and I am a college professor of Graphic Design who teaches on computers daily, I still find the Roon setup extremely difficult to navigate. I’ll try what you suggested and see how it goes. As for the Log file — I sent it to the link you sent me as a zipped folder.

Hi @Jonathan_Sugarman and @noris

Please tell me to butt out here, it sounds to me like Jonathan’s Mac Mini is acting as a RoonBridge to his MacPro which is the Core and since Jonathan replaced his modem/router something has gone awry.

Maybe we need to work out whether the MacPro or MacMinis core.

Maybe a screen grab of your audio settings page would be helpful to see if the Mac Mini is core or your DAC is showing up as an endpoint.

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Thanks Mark. I really don’t know whats going on because I cant find any documentation on the Roon site. Here is a screen shot of where I am stumped.

Hi, checkout the Roon Knowledge Base.

The Roon Knowledge base did not have any information addressing my problem

I’m still stumped, here is where I’m at:

It looks from your screenshot that your music folder cannot be found, maybe your “Flac” folder has been moved. Does your external hard drive show up on your MacPro desktop or in the finder sidebar? You have probably already checked but is it definitely plugged in and working?

Don’t try to create a new folder location, instead I would edit your original location and re-select your “Flac” folder, otherwise Roon will re-import your entire library: