Roon won't boot up!

Roon Core Machine

Mac OS 11.4
iMac 3.7 GHz 6-core intel i5
32G ram

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected Audio Devices

Library Size

Description of Issue

Roon will not boot up, just gets stuck on the loading screen. I have deleted the app and my library and reinstalled and still have the same issue.

6 posts were split to a new topic: Roon will not start on Windows 10 Core

Hello @Richard_Carter1,

Thanks for getting in touch to let us know. We’re so sorry about the trouble :sweat:

Could you please try to reboot your Core, the iMac? Quit Roon, turn off the iMac, unplug it for a few minutes, plug it in, turn it on and launch Roon. Does it help?

Thanks :pray:

Hi Rebeka,

I did what you said on the other thread about deleting the tidal database file. Worked a charm thanks!

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Hey @Richard_Carter1,

Wow, thanks! I’m delighted that was the fix for you too. And thank you for actively trying to find a solution - I’m glad it paid off :partying_face:

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