Roon Core Machine
Mac Mini
Which is activated 13.5.1
Roon version 2.0 (version 2012).
The absolute newest version.
Networking Gear & Setup Details
Connected Audio Devices
Number of Tracks in Library
Description of Issue
Two months ago it worked perfectly.
Now Roon identifies the Mini, but it won’t connect to it leaving me with this message:
Something went wrong with an update.
My iPad Pro is updated as is the Mini.
Roon is running, and Roon has identified the streamer (Waversa).
What to do?
August 28, 2023, 7:50pm
The linked post below details the latest Roon Production versions and build numbers.
Hello Everyone,
This week we’re releasing a sweeping set of performance improvements for ARC, improvements to the user login experience, and a number of bug fixes and improvements.
This ARC release is the result of a long campaign to speed up playback start, improve UI performance, and make the app generally snappier. You should notice ARC taking less time to start, playback starting faster, and you should feel the UI is responding better with faster page loads.
Hand-in-hand with ARC performa…
As you running an older version of Roon I would recommend re-downloading and installing Roon from the Roon website.
Just to make sure I’m reading this right … Could you confirm what Roon build numbers the Mac Mini and iPad are running.
They should both be on version 2.0.20 build 1303.
Note Roon state both version numbers and build numbers.
Hey @Jorgen_Dan_Weibel ,
Sorry for the delay in getting to your thread! @Carl has provided a few good questions - I’m able to see all your devices are now currently running build 1303, are you still running into issues?
If so, lets see if refreshing your database would be helpful:
Create a Backup of your current database
Exit out of Roon
Navigate to your Roon Database Location
Find the folder that says “Roon”
Rename the “Roon” folder to “Roon_old”
Reinstall the Roon App from our Downloads Page to generate a new Roon folder
Verify if the issue persists on a fresh database before restoring the backup
I’ll be on standby for your reply. Thanks!
October 27, 2023, 8:22pm
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