Roon won't play since software update



I’ve been using Roon for the past year, and very much enjoyed it. However, there was a software update recently which has apparently altered some of my settings and now it no longer plays. It doesn’t recognize setup info for the zone.

I’m using a Mac mini which feeds into a dac and then a Linn active system. Can you steer me in the right direction? Feels like I’m starting over with system set-up, although it does still recognize my stored albums in Apple iTunes folder.

Thanks, K

Hi @Kelly_Larkin, are your issues perhaps identical to ours?

Hi @Kelly_Larkin ----- Thank you for the report and sharing your feedback with us, both are appreciated!

Moving forward, I am a bit foggy on what exactly the “failure” is here :head_bandage: To help us better understanding exactly what is going on with your setup, may I very kindly ask you to please use this link as a guide and provide the following:

  • An expanded description of your current setup.

  • A brief summary of the behavior being experienced.

  • What troubleshooting have you performed since noticing the issue?


Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.