My Core is loaded on my Dell PC 16Gig Memory, Windows 10 Pro. IBM had an update yesterday 1013/2020. Since then my Roon won’t start. l get the quote screen and then the loading icon that doesn’t change. Roon usually starts quickly. I have a lifetime license. I shutdown the pc and restarted several times with no joy. I’ve had Roon for about a year with no issues until today.
I connect to my equipment through USB to a Wyred4Sound 192K/24 USB box to Coax to my Stereo Equipment.
What exactly upgraded? You can tell by going to Settings, Updates and Security, and view Update History. It doesn’t sound like Windows the OS was updated, your post makes it seem like some IBM update. It would be good to know.
Hmm. Its called Roon.exe. Where were you searching? Roon installs itself under the AppData of the user in Local.
An update can cause an issue that can be corrected by Rolling back and then redoing the update. I’ve had to redo updates many times at work. Not saying that you should roll back because of Roon.
That aside, v2004 was a very buggy release, not the least of which is a very concerning SSD defrag bug. See: Windows v2004 Issues
You might try:
Under the AppData Local Roon there is a folder called Cache. Try renaming that to Cache_Old and then restarting Roon. Roon should then re-create the folder. In case something in the Cache was causing the hang.
After I found roon.exe I tried running it in the explorer window, no joy. I’m thinking of reinstalling roon to get a fresh copy to see if that fixes the problem.