Beaglebone Black running GentooPlayer 6.4, Botic Driver
Twisted Pear Hermes/Cronus to Buffalo DAC
Number of Tracks in Library
Description of Issue
Have used Roonbridge 1.7 successfully for months. After upgrade to Roonbridge 1.8 player does not show up in the Roon Remote App. I see it listed under the “About” menu but can not see it as a player.
So you see it in “About” but not in “Audio”?
If it’s in “Audio” you might just have to “Enable” it to get it shown as a selectable “Zone” to be able to stream to it…
If I’m off the mark, just ignore my blurb…
I am having the same issue with Roonbridge 1.8. It shows up in the “About” menu of Roon but not in “Audio”. I use a version of Gentoo Linux called GentooPlayer made for the Beaglebone Black. I contacted the developer and he will not spend the time to support this further. Any way I could downgrade to Roonbridge 1.7?
I was just connected to a up-to-date Roon core (running on Mac OS) with a SimpleAudio Roomplayer+ running Roonbridge 1.7 and it wasn’t detected anymore. It seems that with the latest Roon core even Roonbridge 1.7 isn’t working anymore, so this might not be a solution for you.
Thanks for the screenshots, @Michael_Proulx . They are very telling.
There are some Roon Bridges that only show up in Settings → Audio if an audio device is connected to them. Could you please give that a try? Does it show up then?