Roon's new Internet Radio Directory: Curators Wanted! 🙋‍♂️

We are hard at work on our next release, and one of the most exciting changes we’re working on is a full-fledged Internet Radio Browser, to replace our current “paste the URL” approach.

Over the next couple of weeks, we’re going to be organizing hundreds of internet radio streams into categories users can browse, like “Jazz”, “News”, “Paris”, etc. But to ensure we have a fantastic slate of stations when we launch this feature, we’re going to need help from the Community.

So, we are looking for Roon members to who want to help us as Internet Radio Curators, making sure all the most popular stations are added to the directory, and helping us highlight great stations from around the world.

The Internet Radio Curation Team will get access to a special web tool that will allow curators to add stations, ensure they have clean and accurate data to display in Roon, and choose what categories they appear under.

Curators will also gain access to a private discussion area here on Community, where they can collaborate directly with other curators and the Roon team.

A couple notes about signing up:

  • Curators are not required to volunteer any specific number of hours, but we hope everyone who signs up will be able to devote some time to this over the next few weeks – it’s pretty easy to add a station to the system in 5-10 minutes, and our hope is that most curators are able to contribute 20 stations or more

  • You don’t need to be an “expert” to be a curator. We’ll help you understand the process, and while there will be lots of decisions to make along the way, for the most part it’s really very simple – the most important skill is attention to detail. If you know a lot about a certain type of music or stations in your area or country that’s great, but if you’re able to contribute a few hours to the project over the next month, that’s great!

  • If you’re interested in taking a leadership role organizing specific kinds of station – like, “Jazz” or “Netherlands” or “German-speaking” or whatever – definitely let us know when you sign up

We are extremely excited to kick this project into high gear – if you have any questions, just respond below.

If you’d like to join our curation team, just sign up here.

Thanks everyone!

:rocket: :radio:

Edit: Thanks to everyone who signed up so far! Really appreciate all the interest in this project, and I’ll be in touch with more information soon!


As one who doesn’t have enough Knowledge of great internet radio stations to register. Will you be having a place for people to post stations that would of interest so they don’t get missed.


REALLY pleased that Roon are integrating a better radio player. That’s the one area in Roon that needs immediate improvement IMO.
The current ‘URL paste’ arrangement sucks!


All updates are welcome, don’t miss out BBC 6 Music please.


@Chrislayeruk — Yes, there will be a way to pass requests over to the curation team to have them added.


No prior knowledge is needed to help out!

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Hoping there will filters for stations so, for one example, we could filter to show only 320kbps and greater streams.


And, hoping we can still add our own streams. I subscribe to two services: Jazz Radio and Calm Radio. Each has dozens of channels and I have been adding my favorites to the Internet Radio list. Wouldn’t want to lose that capability.

Even better, though don’t know how possible, would be adding subscribed services to one’s own Internet Radio list and be able to pick from those as well.


Along with filters for regional access limitations

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The Devialet Spark app has a very comprehensive radio station directory. I wonder where they source their content from? I love the idea of allowing users to fill in the gaps (it would be great to have a similar service for when metadata is lacking on tracks and albums), but is there an API that could do the brunt of this work?

There are 2 stations that I listen to every day and I really will appreciate having the track info displayed with this service. They are JBRADIO2 and Radio Paradise. Thank you.


Slightly [totally really] off subject, could we have a similar setup for podcasts?


Is someone going to ‘lift and shift’ the directory that’s available through Logitech Media Server?

There are dozens and dozens of web stations there, already neatly catagorised.

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Been listening it JB Radio this afternoon after reading your post. Really good, better than RP for me.

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There is a community driven database available at Is it an idea to use that?

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5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Roon and internet radio: disappointing

Isn’t this done via tunein in the background on LMS?

Really Nice !
Please add FIP.


Wouldn’t it be simpler for Roon just to integrate TuneIn Radio, like it has Tidal and Qobuz?