Roon's Playlist Improver - Feedback Thread!

I don’t want Roon to add anything to my library, period. I especially don’t want this as an option anyone using Roon in my system can choose.

I can imagine the potential damage to a library something like this would cause if it was selected accidentally, or, on purpose by malicious intent. Roon had enough blow back with the automatic on-boarding of music to seed a library, they had to deprecate that option.


Would be nice though if ‘you’ could and would allow other users to have this (for some, like me, essential) feature that would bring Roon and the streaming era closer together and make them more integrated. (I can imagine the developers introducing an option in settings to ban every possible form of semi-automatically adding tracks to ones library… thus taking into account the wishes of users like you.)

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This thing is horrible, but the idea is great! First of all, it doesn’t work at all on my iPad, as in the button doesn’t even show up. On my PC it shows up, but not for tracks not longer available, only for duplicates and replacement of higher rez tracks, neither of which works properly. I removed duplicates on one playlist, then it said I had 3 tracks to upgrade to higher quality, so I did. It added 50 duplicates to my playlist. LOL …

My thoughts as well!
To change ‚only‘ playlist will generate over time massive chaos with linked songs from your library. Many will wonder soon, that their playlist work perfect, but the (unmaintained) library is in a ‚bad‘ state.

The process should be:
(1) identify the changes in your library
(2) provide options for locally stored files
(3) update library accordingly
(4) re-assign tags to updated library items
(5) update playlists with updated library items

Until then, I will not use the feature.


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If the flow would be transparently designed, where the user can select by provided options, I don’t see your point?

A simple & normal way in modern software design process-:wink:

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Hello, THERE IS A BUG in this update! Trying to access the last playlist in the side menu, the playlist ISN’T clickable. Ordering by name/length/etc… the last playlist isn’t inaccessible.
For example, ‘Test&Co’ and ‘Classical & Co’ are not clickable from the side menu ordering by different criteria.

Playlist works correctly from the main Playlist menu:

Used this for the first time today and was something I had suggested on these forums several times.

In essence, it’s great, I like it, a couple of tweaks though for 2.0

There really should be a setup tab in the library options for this so you can streamline what content to look at subbing and if so whether to add or replace the previous album with the new higher quality version for streaming albums so you don’t end up with multiple unnecessary duplicates of the same album just in varying quality levels.

Would be good to be able to see what the difference in the recommendations are from original to improvement, I managed to fumble through a bit of it by clicking on the album and then looking at the different versions available but there should be a simpler way.

The next obvious extension would be to have an album rinse of your library - upgrade lower res albums with higher :blush:


A feature like this is needed for the complete library as far as the streaming content is concerned. Or can I add all Tidal content o all Qobuz content of my library into a “streaming” playlist for allowing that content that disappeared from one of the streaming services is replaced by the best fitting similar content of one of the streaming services? Would this work? It would be better if such a work around wouldn´t be needed. Besides this I have not use for the Playlist Improver since I do not define playlists but select my music on album or composer or artist level.

PS: I had assumed that the library will be updated as well with this new feature, but apparently this is not the case. Accordingly this feature is even more useless, since the library is the essential basis from my perspective.

This new feature is far from useless. Most of us, or a lot of us, don’t want anything messing with our Roon library.

You will sync with your Roon library but may undo some of your highest resolution tracks if they are not in your Roon library.

At that point, you want to click the three dots to the right and go to Album Versions and decide if you want to add the higher version album to your Roon library.

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Thanks plus Eva Cassidy! :heart:
My next play now.

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I really like this new feature but I have a dumb question: Why would you want to “match to your library” if there is a higher quality version available on Tidal or Qobuz? Curious…

You may not know if it’s in your library or not until you match it to your library. If it’s not there, you can cycle back through the steps to grab the higher Tidal or Qobuz version. Then, it’s your decision to add it to your library or not.


You might prefer the version in your library for various reasons like the mastering or the credits


Does not mean better sounding. Many earlier masterings can and do sound better than later hi res versions. Sadly those will not be on streaming as streaming services only present the current version.

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I did not know that, I’ll have go go through some favorites and A/B them - thanks!

I just want a replacement in my library of those items that have been deleted since the respective music file is not in the catalogue of Tidal/Qobus anymore. This is messing with the library but a maintenance of the library.

Ok, can you now make this available to the whole library, esp for finding albums that are no longer available? We’ve been asking for this for a long time, and many of us are not playlist users, per se.


Yep, same. It says the improvements have been made and not longer after the Improve button reappears with the same message/suggestions :confused:

Only played with this a bit and apologies didn’t read the whole thread, but so far it’s only suggesting lower quality files. In particular suggesting I replace my CD quality local files with MQA from tidal which are 44.1/16 equivalent. I double checked and Roon should be treating MQA files as just above lossy.

In my book local should always trump remote and 44.1/16 should trump MQA.

Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 2.17.31 PM