Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)
ROCK Version 1.0 (build 227) stable
Roon Core version 1.8 build 753
Gen8 i5, 8GB RAM, 500 SSD
Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
ROCK 1Gb ethernet connection to Netgear GS728TP
Wifi - Airport Extreme
pfsense router - 500Mb fiber internet connection
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
iPhone 12 mini (iOS 14.4) remote and endpoint (headphones) *** has issue
iPhone 12 mini (iOS 14.4) remote and endpoint (headphones) *** has issue
iPhone 12 mini (iOS 14.4) remote and endpoint (headphones) *** has issue
iPhone 5S (iOS 12.5.1) endpooint (lighting to audio adaptor) - works as expected
iPhone 5S (iOS 12.5.1) endpooint (lighting to audio adaptor) - works as expected
iPad mini 2 (iOS 12.5.) remote and endpoint (headphones) - works as expected
Description Of Issue
I’m confused about how Roon version 1.8 is handling various iOS devices. I’m pretty sure previously (v1.7) all my iOS devices would show lossless signal path with no sample rate conversion unless DSP was happening. Now my iPhone 12 mini always displays High Quality because of sample rate conversion. This adds a load to the core. With 3 iphone 12 in the house, simultanously playing differnet tracks to each, causes the processng speed to drop under 40x. However if I play the same tracks to 3 older iOS devices (iphone 5S, iPhone 5S and iPad mini2) there is no conversion and less load. So much less that the processing speed is not even displayed on any device. Also Roon 1.8 doesn’t seem to recognize 12 mini as it did before. Previously at the bottom of the device screen (on the device itself), it displayed it was an Apple product and there was a link tot he Apple website. Proper identification still occurs on the older iPhone.
There is no DSP happening. At least none that I have enabled not even volume leveling.
Is this a bug in version 1.8? Or is the newer iphone 12 not capable of bit perfect lossless playback?
Test track screenshot - TIDAL FLAC 44.1kHz 16bit 2ch
iPhone 5S signal path - Lossless. No processing speed displayed.
iPhone 12 mini signal path - High quality. Sample rare conversion. Note processing speed
Audio zones - note both iphone 5S and 12mini are listed as iOS devices but icons are different. I did not make any changes. Roon default icons displayed.
iPhone 5S device setup - identified as Apple iPhone
iPhone 12 mini device setep - Not identified as an Apple iPhone
iPhone 5S device setup - Apple website link