Using M1 MacMini running 16 GB RAM and Roon 1.8 build 778; 12.9 inch iPad Pro (1st gen) 256 GB on 14.4.2 and build 778
In album or artist view with long text if I put my finger in the screen and slowly scroll up while reading (without removing my finger from the screen) it suddenly jumps to the top. When I remove my finger from the screen it goes back to where I was reading (correct place). This only happens when I leave my finger and scroll slowly. If I just do a quick swipe I do not have enough control of where text will be and this does not happen. Of note, a friend of mine with similar setup has same issue. Any ideas?
Apologies for the delay! Our team’s queue is longer than typical at the moment, but we’re working to get back to everyone as quickly as we can.
There were a few changes in this area in build 790, can you please confirm if you’re still seeing the same issue occurring on the latest Roon build? Thanks!
I have same issue (build 790). iPad Pro when scrolling through ‘album review’ or ‘artist bio’. It just ‘jumps’ back to the top when you scroll down but keep your finger on the screen.
Scrolling on iPad still behaves exactly as described in the opening message. In addition to the items already mentioned, it affects lyrics view as well. So basically ANY view available from the Now Playing mode behaves erratically - for a software solution focused on UX, this is pretty big failure that manages to annoy at least me constantly.