Search artist in Roon does not reveal all available albums in Qobuz

FYI – I’m in the US and none of those 4 albums come up in Roon for me either but they do come up in Qobuz… Something definitely for Roon to look into.

There is something wrong with how those four albums interact with Roon. I did not see any of them on Roon.
I found X my Heart on Qobuz , hearted it, and synced my Library. It did not appear in Roon.
I found 'Chameleon in the Shadow…" in Qobuz, hearted it, synced my Library and it was there. But not X my Heart.
I found Consequences on Qobuz, hearted it, synced my Library. It did not appear in Roon.
I found ‘In Amazonia’ on Qobuz, hearted it, synced my Library, it was there in Roon. X my Heart and Consequences never appeared.
This seems like a problem between Qobuz and Roon.
I’ll also tag @support and @Joel.

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I have total 100% failure on Qobuz at the moment. Tried rebooting Roon core, the endpoint, the iPad remote. Tried another endpoint. Logged out of Qobuz and back in again. Nothing. Unable to find anything - “Unauthorised” on everything I try including tracks saved to a playlist and played only a couple of days ago. My Qobuz sublime+ subscription just renewed yesterday. Coincidence? A glitch prior to 1.8 rollout? Whatever it is it is seriously annoying.

Yep. Dead here in US. I can play albums I’ve already added to my library, but I can’t see anything new in Qobuz. Strange.

It seems fine here (USA, east coast).

2 months and no reply from @support over this issue that still, for me, exists. So disappointing.

Apologies for missing this before, @Ray_Masters.

Roon only shows albums that are streamable from Qobuz with a subscription. Using the Peter Hammill example you shared before, those albums do not have streaming rights. They show up in Qobuz and allow you to play 30s previews because you can buy the albums from Qobuz.

If there are cases you’re seeing where you can stream an album with a subscription but they’re unavailable in Roon, please open a #support post with examples and we’ll be happy to take a look!

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Many Thanks Dylan. I will check into that and get back to you. I truly appreciate then reply and completely understand the reason now. Mahalo!

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Exact same issue here. Has it ever been solved? Typing “Elgar” in Qobuz, I get a huge amount of albums. If I do the same through Roon, I get 47 albums if I click on Discography after searching for the composer, and other albums (32) if I click on Albums. This basically renders Roon useless to me if it doesn’t show what I subscribe for.
I must be missing something? I don’t think a service as costly as Roon wouldn’t sort this out.

I think it has been answered comprehensively in this old post:

Thanks. This answer basically acknowledges that Roon’s search engine doesn’t work the way it should. If I type “Elgar”, it means I’m looking for all available albums composed by Elgar in order to discover new works, new performances I might not have heard of. That’s the whole point of streaming for me. Not to get a ridiculous small (and bad!) selection of 47 albums from one of the greatest English composers. Qobuz gets is right by showing all albums.
Anyway, if it works for people who use Roon, fine. It just defeats the purpose for me.

That’s your interpretation, and apparently not Roon’s. Neither is right or wrong. As described in the linked post, you can search for Elgar, pick the artist you want (there may be more than one), and look at their Discography, where you will see all works. For many artists with large bodies of work, it would not even be possible to show all their works in search results; similar if your search term produces many albums, artists, and tracks

That’s precisely NOT the case, which is my problem. When I do this (click on artist, then discography), I get 47 albums by Elgar, as opposed to the whole of the catalog offered by Qobuz. So as a result, I cannot discover records I’m not already aware of.

My only solution is to look at Qobuz first, then enter the specific album in Roon, which I then can find. It defeats the purpose of having an one-place software to handle everything. I tried Roon to make my life simpler, so in that respect, it doesn’t cut it for me. I’m sure it has plenty of other great functions I’m not using, so to each their own. When I do a search, I want the relevant information, not a weirdly curated minuscule selection.

But that would not be a search problem but a problem with the Discography. You can go to the Discography without searching.

Going to Edward Elgar’s Discography, I get 47 “Main albums” from Qobuz, 78 from Tidal. Furthermore - you need to scroll down - I get from Quobuz 15 singles/EPs, 5 albums with Yehudi Menuhin, 16 with appearances, and 1642 where Elgar is a composer. (I didn’t check Tidal for these)

If you search for Edward Elgar in the Qobuz web player, all these results get lumped together as “Edward Elgar”. E.g., one random pick from the search results close to the top is “Tomoko Kato: Plays Elgar”, which Roon does not list as a main album by Elgar, but within the 1642 that are “composed by” him. I believe Roon has the more correct approach.

Indeed i had just realized after posting that one has to scroll down some more to access the full selection. I can live with that but i still find it impractical. The 47 albums listed under “Main albums” make no sense musically, almost none of them are great or major. Even in the full list, the way Qobuz displays albums makes a lot more sense. Anyway, as i said, I’ll live with it. Thanks for your help!

Yeah, for some artists the algorithm that decides about main albums is mysterious. It works well for me with pop/rock, but may well be weird with other genres