The search drop down I get is completely wide of the mark. I have Qobuz too, and possibly half a dozen or more versions of Beethoven Symphony 2 in my own library.
That thread was initiated by Brian whose post included a statement
“will be able to iterate with the community more rapidly as feedback comes in”
I posted in that thread three weeks ago that I was getting poor results with a similar search to the one I have.instanced in this current thread, but I haven’t had any response. Indeed I’d forgotten I’d posted there as it has been so long. I’ve provided decent, considered, evidenced feedback, including praise as well examples of failure. I would just like for Roon to “iterate with the community more rapidly” as promised. Hence this post.
BTW- I get similar results. For some of the Beethoven symphonies my first results are other Beethoven works, like piano Sonatas. For other Symphonies the correct results is either the first one or one of the first ones.
This is definitely something to be improved. A common search like that for something in the library should always give the right result.
Have you checked how this search works? The “Only complete recordings” switch is only relevant in the compositions view. To get to that view you have to find the composition. The point of my post was that Roon does not find the composition in the first place.
Hi Jez,
from which site of roon did you start your query?
If you want to find a special work, like “Beethoven Symphony No. 2”, please start from the page “compositions”. Here you can use filters to find what ever you want.
For example: Composer = “Schubert” + Compositions = “Symph” (all symphonies)
OR Composition = “C minor” = all pieces in c minor
OR Form = “Concerto” + Period = “Post-Romantic” + Composition = “Cello”
You have to know, that on the “HOME” page the query is searching high and low. Therefore Roon offers results for a lot of categories like “Artists”, “Albums”,“Tracks”, “Genres” and Live Radio, too.
All results of a retrieval on HOME are not (!) specific.
So, if you combine more items in your search string, then the connection of these items is similar to OR - variable - and not exclusively AND !!
The so-called “Top result” on HOME is something like an offer of the “AI algorithm”. It can be an unforeseeable result. It is the same category like “Top Performers” or “Top Conductors” on other pages. In each case the results come from the AI algorithm and look like a miracle sometimes.
In summery:
If your search is specific please start from the pages “Artists” / “Tracks” / “Composers” / “Compositions”;
If you want to see, what you can get from all fields of your library, then you can use the (unspecific) filter on the HOME page and you should take potluck. (for example try “Norwegian”)
Hi @le_rob, thank you for your input. Unfortunately you do not seem to have read my post. As you can see from it, I was using the search box at the the top right hand of the screen. The alternative strategy you propose is not generally useful because I am a Qobuz user, and your strategy would only search my library. Plus it doesn’t find the composition, it just plays performances in my library. Plus it is tedious for a simple search of this nature. Plus there’s no good reason why a search in the search box shouldn’t work.“Beethoven Symphony 5” works fine, “Beethoven Symphony 2” doesn’t.
Hi Jez,
Sure, I have read your post and I used the search box at the top right hand of the screen, too. With this method I am getting similar results as you, althoug I have more than 20 recordings of this composition in my library.
I have attached some more examples to the same problem.
All the issues result from Roon’s algorithm for the function of searching. Roon considers that most of the users are not able or do not want to operate with boolean operation at the retrieval. Therefore and for some other reasons Roon works with an algorithm.
Every algorithm is only as good as the used material. Crowd sourcing of material in classical music is very problematic, because there are no standards in the music industry.
I think, the search engine would do a better job, if Roon would offer the option for searching “striktly” or “not strictly” (with boolean operators “AND” / “OR”)
Hi, thanks for corroborating my results and producing other similar examples. I am afraid though that I couldn’t in all conscience support your request for Boolean operators to fix this issue, as I don’t think the lack of boolean operators is the source of the problem. “Beethoven Symphony 2” does not give satisfactory results, but “Beethoven Symphony 6” does, and there are several similar examples where a different Symphony or Concerto digit can unduly affect the quality of the results. I bet there is a relatively simple solution, if anyone is working the problem. These kind of searches have got a lot better - in the past the composer could be wrong! - things just need a little more work.
The Boolean search request has been made several times and with no response from Roon. Search the community for Boolean, I am sure you’ll find the threads related to this.
The good news is that Roon has employed a search specialist to spearhead improvements.
Clearly the search algorithm is flawed , keeping hammering away with examples that simply repeat the same shortfall will become progressively counter productive. The specialist has only been on board a few weeks (?) so my suggestion would be to provide him with a diverse a set of scenarios as we can but to allow him space to work rather than trying to answer the “same old error”
If you want to get to specific composition there are at least 2 sure fire ways that do not get tangled up with Search
Composition view, and set the appropriate filters
Composer view > Compositions > Apply a filter say “symph”
Both these are accurate and negate search. You will be guaranteed to get where you want.
I am not defending the search engine , but there are far better ways of skinning the cat