Search by record label outside library

@mike a lot of time has passed since your reply to my request.

Any progress to report?

I am afraid nothing, probably the sleep timer took all the available resources


Need this feature in 1.8

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@mike as I read the information announcing Roon 1.8 I thought this feature had been added. However now that I have 1.8 installed, I see I can still only search my own collection by label.

Will we ever get a true Label Search feature that allows, for example, for me to see every album on the Blue Note label available through Roon?


Does Qobuz even know how many of each label exist? It seems like you’d have to have every piece of information in Qobuz indexed to search for that. I never really use Qobuz outside of Roon, so I don’t have a sense of whether they have their complete collection indexed or not.

Yes, there web app allows a label search so it’s all there to filter for. Only issues arise from rereleases that might be on a different label due to the original going bust.

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The weird thing is, you can Focus on Rudy Van Gelder and it’ll show you all the albums in Tidal that he worked on. I can see no good reason that selecting Blue Note in Focus shouldn’t show all the albums in Tidal/Qobuz.


I also was disappointed 1.8 didn’t add Label search outside one’s library.

Like you, I thought from reading about 1.8 before it’s release that this feature was being added.


Yes, it’s a glaring omission. There are some Classical labels that I really like eg. Ricercar, and I’d love to explore more of what they do but Roon makes it impossible even though it has the data available. I guess I’d have to find out if Ricercar have a ‘house engineer’ and try the same Rudy/Production trick again.

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@support Can someone address this issue on behalf of Roon? Whatever the reason is that this feature is still not available, I think folks would like to know.

The first of 5 emails I received from Roon on the release of 1.8 said this:

Filter and sort virtually any music in Roon by performer, producer, composer, label, and a wide variety of other parameters.

Note: “…any music in Roon…” Not: “Music in your Roon library.”

What did we misunderstand?

Thank you.


I agree, it’s very frustrating to not be able to see all of Tidal’s albums from a particular label. It’s one of the main things I’d like to do, along with playing Roon Radio by Classical music Period.

Yes, me too… it must be on the todo list surely?

Just wanted to add a vote for this… I hope this idea is still alive

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I wish we knew if it is or is not. It has been a very long time since anyone at Roon has commented on this. I asked a very direct question in February that never received an answer.

@mike you commented about 18 months ago:

Anything new to report? Please…

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I understand why it’s difficult, but this would add incredible value to Roon over using Qobuz or Tidal directly.

This would be very nice to have, indeed. Even better if one could sort/search by catalog number :slight_smile:

Plus 1 for this feature - search for all records from a label. Yes please!

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I have been loving this feature on Apple Music, please add it +1

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Plus 1 for label search

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Plus 1 too for label search

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