Search by record label outside library

No, the Focus in an artist’s Discography tab can also be used to show all albums by this artist on specific labels, which includes also albums by this artist that are not in the Library.

However, it remains impossible (which seems to be the original topic of the feature suggestion) to use a label in a search query or to list all albums on a label (not just a specific artist’s from their Discography) including albums that are not in the library


Ah, I see. Thank you for the clarification. :+1:

In light of that, it now makes even less sense to me that Roon doesn’t allow search by label outside our libraries. :roll_eyes:

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I imagine that if people were searching a large database by label (many with thousands of items) it would put some pretty heavy demands on the servers causing all sorts of problems

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If that’s the case, they could put a reasonable limit on the number of responses that wouldn’t crash their servers. However, I strongly suspect those interested in this feature are wanting to be able to search smaller labels that wouldn’t pose such an issue. I think it’s more likely Roon doesn’t see this as benefiting enough users to be worth the commitment of resources to make it happen.

Of course we are all just speculating. With Roon not talking, we just don’t know.

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I think it’s one of the things that can only happen after more of the Core is in the cloud, just like better search generally

Totally agree… do they even know this topic exists? I think they just get notified about topics with hundreds of ‘votes’ maybe?

My understanding is that they see all Feature Suggestions, but do not comment on them.

How come the payment processing servers are never crashing…

Because no one ever runs their own? They use a back end, just like roon are also using Google and Amazon server infrastructures.

looks like there are solutions to the “servers crashing” problem… where there’s a will…

Payment processing and search workloads are slightly different technical problems

they also have slightly different priorities for roon…

That’s just obvious. Payment processing has priority over new features for every company or else they wouldn’t survive for long. I also doubt that staff working on payment processing (if that’s even in-house staff) can be simply reassigned to perform highly specialized feature work

Possibly because there’s not a lot of unpredictable search traffic? You could always ask Danny…

The search feature by “Label” in Roon is pretty weak, especially since roon is all about searching, matching, and library management. I noticed this same issue from OP. When I search by Label in Roon, the search only returns albums in my library.

For instance, Qobuz just added the “Hyperion” label to the catalog. When I open the Qobuz app, and search by label “Hyperion” I get a huge list of returns…all by Hyperion. When I do the same in Roon it only shows the 6 albums I’ve added to my library so far. Even if I go to Qobuz in Roon and search there, same result. Of course the fix is to search in Qobuz and add albums from that app, then they will appear in Roon. But that seems pretty weak, this should be fixed.


+1 to all the wishes here.

+1 we need it

What’s going on with this? Seems very easy to add considering qobuz already has it implemented. The idea is very aligned with the reason we are drawn to roon - a more fluid and natural way to discover and search for digital music. It’s been years of people asking. Still praying!

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The whole of Qobuz runs in the cloud apart from the presentation in the app. Much of Roon runs on local cores that have neither the CPU nor the RAM to hold 100 million tracks from Qobuz and search them.

Roon is moving more and more stuff into the cloud and that’s probably the right thing to be able to provide what users want, but easy it is not. (And the cloud dependency in Roon 2.0 didn’t make everyone happy)

if I can search for artists and albums in qobuz through roon why can’t I search for record labels in qobuz through roon… still not making much sense to me.

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