Second Post: Roon keeps forgetting my iPad

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

OS X 10.15.7. Roon Build 667

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Arris Docsis 3.1 modem, Google Nest Mesh wifi

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Not relevant to this question

Description Of Issue

I posted about this a while back and the convo got sidetracked, so maybe the topic got lost.

Roon keeps forgetting my iPad. The iPad is NOT set to private. The iPad is not new, and I have twice uninstalled and reinstalled the app on it. The Roon Core resides on my iMac.

A good example happened just a few minutes ago. I have music playing thru an iPad/AirPlay to an AppleTV. The phone rang, so because I was sitting at my computer, I paused the music using the Roon app on my iMac. When I got off the phone less than 5 minutes later the iPad and the music I was playing were no longer visible in Roon on the iMac. When I picked up my iPad it wasn’t there either. The bottom ribbon said “No music playing” or something like that. So I had to back into the playlist I was playing, and restart (really, un-pause because it had stopped where I paused it) the song that was playing. Once I started the music again on the iPad, the iPad reappeared on both itself and on the iMac.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Roon keeps forgetting my iPad (B667)

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