Show Qobuz purchases in the Qobuz tab under ‘My Qobuz’?

Although I have some sympathy of the request to show Qobuz purchases under "My Qobuz’, I believe we underestimate the can of worms this will open. I will explain in different steps, so please fasten your seatbelt :slight_smile:

Disclaimer : I have a Qobuz Sublime+ subscription which entitles me:

  • to stream all available music at 44,1 kHz
  • to buy HighRes albums at discounted pricing
  • to stream my purchased albums at the corresponding resolution and bit-depth .

However, things are not so simple, as I will illustrate with a number of examples.
Before I start, please take in consideration that results can be different in differnt countries/regions!

  1. First of all, there are albums that can be purchased at Qobuz, but not streamed at all via Roon (i.e. there is no Versions Tab visible)
    Woodstock 50 - Back To The Garden : The Anniversary Experience
    Bob Dylan : The Rolling Thunder Revue - The 1975 Live Recordings
    Sara Bareilles: Amidst The Chaos

  2. There are albums where the album is available for streaming but a number of songs are not
    (no immediate example but there are some cases)

  3. Qobuz is often incorrect in what is actually available. Here you see a statistical number of my purchases, and if they are correctly handled or not.

    Artist Album Download Qobuz High Qobuz CD Qobuz Play Expected Result
    The Beatles Abbey Road anniversary 96/24 96/24 44/16 96/24 v
    Hindi Zahra Homeland 96/24 96/24 44/16 96/24 v
    Monkey House Friday 192/24 192/24 44/16 192/24 v
    Soccer Mommy Clean 96/24 96/24 - 96/24 v
    Bear’s Den So That You Might Hear Me 96/24 96/24 44/16 96/24 v
    Rhiannon Gidens There Is No Other 96/24 96/24 - 96/24 v
    Donald Fagen Morph The Cat 96/24 96/24 44/16 96/24 v
    The Beatles Sgt. Peppers… (Super Deluxe Edition) 96/24 96/24 44/16 96/24 v
    The Beatles White Album (Super Deluxe) 96/24 96/24 44/16 96/24 v
    Sara Bareilles Brave Enough (Live at the Variety Playhouse) 96/24 96/24 - 96/24 v
    J.S. Ondara Tales Of America 192/24 192/24 44/16 192/24 v
    Alice Phoebe Low Paper Castles 48/24 48/24 - 48/24 v
    Joanne Shaw Taylor Reckless Hart 88,2/24 88,2/24 - 88,2/24 v
    Iggy Pop Lust For Life 96/24 192/24 44/16 96/24 v
    Iggy Pop The Idiot 192/24 192/24 44/16 192/24 v
    Neko Case The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, … 88,2/24 88,2/24 44/16 88,2/24 v
    Joe Henry Thrum 96/24 96/24 44/16 96/24 v

Expected Result NOT OK
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Ghosteen 96/24 96/24 - 44/16
Tedeschi Trucks Band Let Me Get By (Deluxe Edition) 48/24 88/24 44/16 44/16
Shawn Colvin Steady On 96/24 - 44/16 44/16
Norah Jones Not Too Late 192/24 192/24 44/16 44/16
Various Artists “Woodstock 50 - Back To The Garden
: The Anniversary Experience” 96/24 - - -
Bob Dylan “The Rolling Thunder Revue -
The 1975 Live Recordings” 96/24 - - -
The Velvet Underground Loaded (Remastered) 96/24 44/16 44/16 44/16

I will now illustrate in detail 3 examples, all 96kHz/24bit albums:

  1. The Beatles - Abbey Road Anniversary - CORRECT ! streams 96kHz/24bit
  2. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Ghosteen - shows 96kHZ availbel for streaming, but streams only in 44,1 kHz
  3. Shawn Colvin - Steady On - which even does not show 96kHZ for streaming

The Beatles - Abbey Road Anniversary

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Ghosteen

Shawn Colvin - Steady On

As I showed you, there are a lot of inconsistencies at Qobuz side which can (/will) create a lot of unnecessary questions/discussions with Roon/Qobuz subscribers, if and when Qobuz Purchases are shown in Roon in order to be able to stream them at highest resolution & bitrates.
It will work (very) often, but it certainly does not all the time.


Hi Dirk, I did so, expecting a hard landing into a grim reality where nothing was as I assumed it to be. But in fact, I loosened them again, as your detailed post broadly chimes with my own experience. Seriously impressed by your record keeping btw!

There were threads related to some of these anomalies, and I posted in one of these - mainly because some of my Qobuz purchases seemed not to make it through to Roon for reasons including the ones you describe.

Still, over 90 percent of my purchases did show up in Roon problem-free, and I could stream all my purchases in Qobuz’ own app, last time I checked, and in the correct resolution. So while I hope that everything I can stream in Qobuz I will eventually be able to get at using Roon, easily and without download trickery, the worms are likely real. But I don’t want to keep a lid on that can! :slightly_smiling_face:

I was able to see 90+ % of my purchases in one convenient view… currently I am back to 0. Just don’t think it is an improvement.

(My current workaround to easily get to an overview of my purchases is manual tagging of Qobuz-purchased downloads. For a while I sought to ‘abuse’ Qobuz favourites by adding my purchases, but it is not what I would want to use favourites for, and it also typically failed - in Qobuz’ own app - for exactly the albums that were problematic for Roon)

Anyone have any idea if Roon will be adding back the Purchased list under My Qobuz in the future?

Ok, seems unlikely.

Barely used Roon since recent Audirvana updates.

Not sure the Roon subscription warrants renewal anymore.

For those who agree, you may vote for it… :slight_smile:

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