I thought I wanted a Herman Miller Eames Lounge Chair (replica), but the more I’ve researched music listening chairs, I no longer think that is what I want for a couple reasons including lower back comfort and the high back leather behind my ears. No offense intended to those who love theirs.
EDIT: Just to explain the lower back issue, I have a back condition called spondylolisthesis that was discovered when I was 14 years old playing football. Hurts a lot most of the time.
I also inquired about some other specific chairs such as the Ikeas and the “Blown Away” chair and there are potential issues with those also. I’m starting to think maybe the chair I already have is as good as anything I might buy.
I definitely need a good solid footstool instead of the squashy thing my wife bought me. I’m also considering removing the swivel/rocking mechanism and installing legs.
So, please post pictures of your listening chair if you have one you really like. It’s always fun to see what other people are using to enjoy Roon.
I have one very similiar for TV watching, which I almost don’t do anymore. My wife wants me to move it upstairs to my listening room, but I’m concerned about the leather headrest behind my ears.
Here’s my ages old IKEA Poäng and foot rest in buffalo leather, not available any more, one meter from the cabinet behind with a blanket to effectively suck up counterproductive rear reflections, as measured with REW.
Makes for hours of relaxed listening pleasure.
Listening position height is of no concern here due to the full range line source speakers sounding the same from any elevation.
Poang gets a good rep but I never owned one. I have the Eames and ottoman and sometimes bring it out for listening now and then. Most of the time when doing auditions for people that come over I just use the Eames ottoman for them to sit on or a basic arm chair in the picture moved into the MLP
Due to the number of speaker options I have it’s too hard to pin down a specific setup
I had often thought of this thread but ever got around to it. People spend mega bucks on kit and accessories but rarely mention chairs. How can you listen if you are uncomfortable.
I too have an Eames “style” design with foot stool. (Weylandts South Africa)
I have broken it in over 4 year now and it now super comfy, I only listen on headphones so the head rest “wings” don’t impact sound
I have one of those in my dining room setup will be moving it to my office one as use that a lot more in down time. Will be getting new covers for it though. Comfy chair as welll.
I’ve had lower back problems for years so when I found a used Varier Gravity at a good price I snapped it up. For me it has worked wonders for my back. I’m not the sort of person to get attached to something like a piece of furniture but I LOVE this chair, so versatile and so comfortable (but not soft and enveloping sort of comfort though) and if anything happened to it would go out and buy a replacement immediately, even at the eye-watering price new.
It’s in my TV, Hifi room and as well as the main Roon hifi system I have a small raspberry pi (for Roon bridge) and DAC/amp on the coffee table next to me for headphone/iem listening
[The somewhat not matching feet ends covers and quickly knocked up arm covers are a temporary measure prior to recovering properly]
My music room also doubles (or is it triples?) as listening room and office. The chair I got from Macy’s four years ago. It’s now perfectly shaped for my back. It’s the smallest recliner I could find.
Perfect for working during the day and listening otherwise.
Yeah I know the high back at ear level isn’t ideal, but…
Edit: didn’t realize I got two out of the five (!) dogs in the pic. Helps with sound absorption.
Office on the left-corner and listening room in the center. Our little dog happened to pose for me.
The chair is an Armish-made pushback recliner. Whether I recline or not, I rest my feet on the glass table when listening. (Wanted to take a photo like that, but it’s not presentable.)
Got home a couple hours ago from almost three weeks in NC and had this footstool waiting for me. It remains to be seen if I want to remove the rocking/swivel from the chair and install legs.