Showcase your 1.8 themes

I’m not sure about the artist backgrounds, but the tint for the genre overlay is atom-genre-mapping

The best way to find out which hexcode controls which aspect of the UI is to set each unknown one to a vibrant colour that isn’t part of the usual ones, one at a time, then go through the different screens looking for it. I normally use #FFFF00 to do this.

If you find out which one is artist background, please let me know :slight_smile:

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You can change in the place I showed you yesterday :wink:

The rule is, the letters and pics are part of layer above the standard background which is grey. If you change this layer it is not impacting nothing more.

I’ve obviously not had enough coffee this morning, so am probably being dense, but I’m not following what you’re saying :frowning:

Maybe I am not clear (as always xD)

I am adding color in layer displaying artist pics:


Ah, in which case I think we’re talking about two different things. I think that @111154 was asking how to code the colour of the background for artists without an image, which I’ve just worked out is atom-grey2

Again though, maybe I’ve not had enough coffee yet so have misunderstood both of you :smiley:


A warning to macOS users:

While the structure and content of Colors and Name files are the same for Windows and macOS systems, the files posted here for Windows are not usable directly with macOS. You must open the file on Windows, make it TXT then on macOS copy and paste the contents in a copy of Dark Colors and Name files then save them and of course in a separate folder. You can also change the extension to TXT on macOS just to copy and paste the contents as the files from Windows macOS read them as EXE. If the files have the extension TXT or any sign of been a TXT file, Roon will crash and won’t open. It happened to me twice already.

I guess this is why moderators have been warning to not mess with these files.

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Thank you @Enrico_Castagnetti for info.
I have just updated instruction with your explanation quoted and updated files to version with txt for easy an faster copy as per your proposition.

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Here you go:

// ===================================================
// Theme Colors
// ===================================================

atom-background #404040
atom-background-fade #252527
atom-black-fade #252527
atom-separator-light #4D4E51
atom-separator-heavy #A0A2AA
atom-classical-background #404040

atom-grey4 #ffffff
atom-grey4-hover #ffffff
atom-grey4-insensitive #10%ffffff
atom-grey4-marked #72%ffffff
atom-grey4-secondary #A8A8A8

atom-grey3 #FFFFFF
atom-grey3-hover #C2C2C2
atom-grey3-insensitive #20%C5C5C5
atom-grey3-marked #C5C5C5

atom-grey2 #3C3C3F
atom-grey2-hover #4D4D50
atom-grey2-pressed #4D4D50
atom-grey2-insensitive #50%3C3C3F

atom-grey1 #1E1E1E
atom-grey1-hover #2D2C2C
atom-grey1-insensitive #ACACAC
atom-grey1-marked #85%1E1E1E

atom-grey #3C3C3F
atom-grey-mapping #BBBBBB

atom-genre-mapping #cdba96

atom-blue #cdba96
atom-blue-hover #666666
atom-blue-pressed #666666
atom-blue-insensitive #40%6B6ED9

atom-blue-mapping #666666
atom-onebox-blue #666666
atom-orange #666666
atom-orange-hover #666666
atom-orange-insensitive #666666
atom-orange-mapping #cdba96

atom-green #57C6B9
atom-green-hover #4CAFA3
atom-green-insensitive #295E57

atom-red #E02954
atom-red-hover #CD274E
atom-red-insensitive #6C1A2E

atom-selectable-blue #193A5E
atom-selectable-blue-hover #17304D
atom-selectable-blue-checked #414245

atom-selectable #333333
atom-selectable-hover #393939
atom-selectable-checked #1F1F1F
atom-selectable-insensitive #1F1F1F

atom-bluebg-noalpha #242424
atom-bluebg #404040
atom-bluebg-hover #292929
atom-bluebg-pressed #292929
atom-bluebg-insensitive #242424

atom-footer #363636
atom-classical-footer #363636
atom-zebra-stripe #28282C
atom-panel #363636
atom-classical-panel #363636
atom-popup #262626
atom-border #414245

atom-graph-1 #999999
atom-graph-2 #858585
atom-graph-3 #383838
atom-graph-4 #d1d1d1
atom-graph-5 #cccccc
atom-graph-6 #666666
// ===================================================
// not theme colors. these should not change
// ===================================================
atom-white #ffffff
atom-white-hover #ffffff
atom-white-insensitive #05%ffffff
atom-white-marked #72%ffffff
atom-white-button-hover #22%ffffff
atom-white-button #12%ffffff
atom-black #000000
atom-black-hover #2D2C2C
atom-black-insensitive #ACACAC
atom-black-marked #85%2C2C2E
atom-waveform #75808F
atom-fade #1E1E1E
atom-highlight #FF8000
atom-yellow #E6BB72

// ===================================================
// used by dynamiclist scrollbar in 3/2020, before changes in master. Question for brian2: are these colors correct for the new dynamiclist?
// ===================================================

atom-purple #5D9CE0
atom-purple-hover #7fb5eb
atom-purple-pressed #4996E3

// ===================================================
// brand colors
// ===================================================
dropbox-color #ffffff
facebook-color #3B5998
twitter-color #1DA1F2

// ===================================================
// ===================================================
feedbackpanel #aa000000
dimlayer #70%000000

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David_Nightingale thanks for the help!



@Damian_Kurgan @DaveN
Any update / changes to the ‘Rectangle’ Artist Pics installation?

I’ve just noticed that you’ve uploaded two files for the Windows install today, rather than the one file yesterday.

Again, I’ve over-written both files in the folder, restarted Roon, selected ‘Unknown’ Theme again, restarted, and…still circles.
I’ve updated Core & Remote.

What am I doing wrong?

Do you have Win or iOS?
I have tested with a great help from @aKnyght and found for iOS file must be created on MAC and use on MAC. Hence, because I do not have MAC…

Windows 10 64-bit, Surface Pro 7 (Remote)
Windows 10 64-bit, Intel 7i7BNH NUC (Core)

How do we make this an official feature? The new color scheme is really meh and doesn’t at all in my opinion fit the descriptions being used for the new look (museum, magazine etc.)

That’s the million dollar question :smiley: @Rugby, do you have any ideas as to how best to convince Roon that this should be a feature?

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RR Team Petition!

*Roon Rebels Team (please don’t confuse with…)

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An old favorite font standby: mix of Franklin Gothic Book (text), Franklin Gothic Regular, and Franklin Gothic Bold.NotoSans for the large titles.


While I’m normally drawn to dark themes, hence the set I posted at the start of this thread, I thought I’d spend some time today coming up with a lighter theme. I also challenged myself to come up with something a bit more colourful, and managed to end up with only a very small number of elements that are monochrome.

Let me know what you think.

This theme can be downloaded here.

I’ve just uploaded a slightly amended version that tidies up a few loose ends from my first attempt. You can download v2 here.


Not experienced with light themes for years but this looks clean and cosy.
Purple on the wheel is intentional?

Yep, kind of. It was a copy and paste accident, but I decided I quite liked it :slight_smile:

I was thinking about why everyone is so up in arms about the new colour scheme, and I’m by no means a graphic designer, but you only need to take a look at a swatch of their colour scheme to see why it’s offending people.

Not exactly coherent, but it does grab your attention.

I started from a colour scheme for this one, rather than mess around adjusting it as I went along.

I left the purple off the chart as it only makes a small appearance :wink:


It is noble you left the symbol of original motive :slight_smile:
I was trying to make some changes in shapes - for example I like antic accents - and try to create a PlayNow button with a floral elements (gold elements on the bottle green button), but… as you said I am also not a graphic designer :wink:
Thinking to take a look at Roon Display Screen theme.