Showing (off) your Motorcycles

My bad, did not mean to start anything.
So for pennance I will post this.
Possibly one of the greatest all rounders ever built by anybody
The VFR really could do it all including the odd track day even though a little softly sprung for that but its v4 pickup and odd exhaust note were always good fun driving out of the corners.
And if you look carefully at the right rear plastics you can see where I had a “moment” and stitched her back together with yellow zip ties…:frowning:
Much missed!


Centre stand seems to be optional extra nowadays.

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A previous bike.


Y’know I was wondering who would spot that and comment on it…lol.
Obviously first point of contact on the track, used to scare peeps behind me to see a shower of sparks😆.

But yes, optional extra.
A friend has a 2004 Triumph Thunderbird that he bought brand new.
It has a center stand, he had to pay extra at time of purchase for the stand, it was not standard even back then.

I always hankered after one of those TRX, seemed like it should have been a near perfect track bike if you stripped off some of the excess lard.

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It was a lovely bike. I uprated the fork springs with progressive ones and dropped the forks down an inch to sharpen the steering. Handled like a dream.


A fantastic bike and I like the colour!

I loved my own VFR800 which I owned for about 6 years and on which I did a couple of decent tours, but I also loved the VFR1200 that replaced it. I really don’t know why the VFR1200 wasn’t as highly regarded by some. It was also a great bike.

Sold mine a few months ago as I’m getting a bit long in the tooth for long bike trips nowadays, but they did give me lots of enjoyment when I had them.

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I think it was as much Honda fault as they did not push or promote it much at all.
It sort of arrived in the lineup with a whimper, no fanfare!
Agreed that it was also a most excellent bike.
Looks like next picture I will have to post is of my old Super Blackbird!

I bought my first bike, Triumph Bonneville which was, as expected, wholly unreliable. I then bought a Yamaha 650, reliable but not exciting. I then had a friend find me a Sportster XLH. That was followed by arguably two dozen Harleys the more recent initiated by my wife. I respect racing and dirt bikes, but my/our interest was in customizing street bikes. My favorite was a Harley Wideglide when the company was still owned by AMF. It was very primitive but fun to wrench and great for dates.

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That’s quite apt as I was in our local Harley dealer only a couple weeks ago specifically to check out the Livewire.

Nice but unfortunately way over priced imho even though they were willing ( eager even) to cut a great deal.
Still an interesting bike but not sure we are truly ready for an electric Harley yet!

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Electric Harley? Complete blasphemous sacrilege.

What’s next an electric 4x4? Wait, what?

OTOH, a Harley executive once offered that he was worried about the future because "there are only so many fat, white guys with beards”.

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Should that read fat, OLD, white guys?

We are a dying breed.


If you take a closer look, you will see that both my bikes above actually DO have a motor :wink:

Had been keeping quiet in this until it arrived :innocent:.

My wife decided she would like to get out on the back again but we both agreed one of these might be fun and certainly comfortable.

It only turned up late last night so just a quick blast up the road so far.
Might take some getting used to.


Great, finally someone who can answer a question I been meaning to ask for awhile.

Why, in the name of any deity you care invoke, would anyone be seen on (let alone buy) a monstrosity like this?

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I am afraid that forum rules do not permit me to answer this in the manner I would like…


Sorry for my rude frankness. I wouldn’t think of criticizing your HiFi setup (even if it were necessary), but this reverse trike purchase mystifies me, especially after the other bikes you’ve posted. I thought you had good taste.

Each to their own, and I’ve not ridden one, but I imagine it would be fun from a ‘fast’ and ‘open’ perspective

However, twin wheels front or back, it strikes me as combining the worst aspects of 2 and 4 wheels

Convertible car or Honda Gold Wing perhaps?

What’s the appeal?


Of all the bikes I’ve had, the Wing is the one I miss the most.