Actually I did post on the old thread recently. I’m still very impressed by the thing!
Things have changed, again
FiiO R7 (pre-out mode) > Rotel RB-971 MK2 > Wharfedale Evo 4.1s
To my ears a considerable improvement in SQ over the Onkyo CR-N755. More body, better dynamics. Such a simple little setup and sounds great.
QED Performance Audio 40i RCA’s
Speaker cable - 12 AWG bell wire
You did and I even gave it a
Memory of a gold fish
Who are you again?
It’s a very nice setup
Haha! My memory is terrible too
Linn Selekt DSM (Organik+Utopik PSU)
Linn Akubarik Aktiv
Roon server inside the cabin. Passive heated Intel NUC motherboard and Roon running inside container in Proxmox.
Few small details needs to be done. Like led light cabeling.
Sorry, pretty dark in the HT especially with all dark components.
5.2.3 system
Trinnov Alt16 (Roon Ready)
Anthem STR → Revel F328Be
Anthem MCA525 & MCA 225 → Revel C426Be + Paradigm CI Elite E80 in-walls/ceilings
3x Power Sound Audio TV2112 subs
My biggest complaint is that since this is all in the basement, I rarely want to come down here and enjoy purely music (and I love music) as I’m usually doing that with headphones upstairs.
When I use this system I’m usually going to watch something.
ATV 4K → Lumagen RP4242 → JVC NZ9 → Stewart ST130 G4 scope screen
I also have a Furman Elite 15 and a Puritan PSM156 for power management.
Great system, but yeah, this is why I have a nice stereo in the main part of the house where I am all the time. Dedicated listening spaces are super cool, but I think it would be a rare occasion for me to get down there to enclose myself for a session.
In my main room upstairs I have a system consisting of two Sonos Play 5’s + Sonos Arc + two Sonos Subs. The room is gigantic (big bungalow) so the system is quite small for it, but it does sound ok for music playback (albeit, doesn’t quite scratch the itch for me on what a true stereo system should be like some of the ones posted in this thread).
The main issue is that my wife often doesn’t want music playing all the time (which I really enjoy being on all the time) - so I then usually just use my office headphone setup:
Focal Utopia 2022 + Ferrum Erco + Roon
I’d love to bring my Revel’s upstairs but that’ll never happen, and probably not worth it given what I wrote above.
And wake them up?
Thankfully not
Acoustic insulation in the floors
Looks very cool… which blue is it?
It’s a Hana Umami Blue
Currently undergoing break in
@David_Crosbie1 Am undecided on a blue or red for a replacement myself.
What did you have before the blue David?
To some extent so was I, but I got a great deal on a blue and decided to give it a shot. It seems like a great bit of kit and pretty much what all the reviews say it sounds like
edit: 2010
I only have this music on vinyl… Its not great - qobuz and blue takes up most of my free time! ;))
@Oliver It’s a good one to have.
I wish I listened to it more… straight forward. Back then in 2010!
Very nice