Silent Angel VitOs

From what I understand, the real-time kernel is a bit too demanding for the RPi3. You’ll get lots of dropouts on anything less than an RPi4. Fortunately, they are inexpensive. I have two VitOS RPi4’s now, and I would not be surprised if a third showed up. LOL. BTW, the mobile app works reasonably well switching between them.

David, What is the password to the VitOS linux image?

Richard it’s username root and password root from memory.

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Hi guys, trying to install Roon Bridge on my Raspberry Pi 3b running VitOS. But I’m getting a error in the VitOS Manager “Failed to check data integrity”. Anyone know how to get around this? Tried installing manually via Putty but that didn’t work either. Going to buy a Raspberry Pi 4 later next week. Replacing the older one I got.

It’s only supported on the Pi4 to my knowledge.

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You’re absolutely right. My bad.

i just installed this on an Allo Usbridge Sig. and am getting microskips with any PCM above 44 and playback start/stop with DSD. Dietpi had the same issue until I changed the CPU governor to performance. Does anyone know how to do this with Vitos specifically? I SSH’d into the Allo and installed CPUPOWER, enabled it and set it to performance but the issue persists. Any pointers?


Hi @Satyadhara and @grizaudio - I did eventually get around to performing objective measurements. I’ve posted this elsewhere in this community, but in case you missed it, here’s a link to a livestream which I did some months back during which I shared my testing methodology and results.

Hi Tony. Yeah, the CPU in the RPi CM3+ is just not sufficiently powerful to keep up while running a real-time kernel. In my testing, the USBridge Sig sounds best with DietPi, but only certain kernels. For example, there are audio quality problems (pops and clicks) with the v5.4.72-v7+ kernel, but 5.4.51-v7 sounds great. I should re-test with more modern kernels, but I’ve not had my USBridge Sig in the system since I started using VitOS. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I too am having this error. “Failed to check data integrity” and I have a Pi4.
Anyone else experiencing this? So far this has been more of a Pi in the face experience.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Mine works fine under GentooPlayer as a NAA endpoint (DSD 256 and more or PCM 1.4).
CPU Governor to Performance and giga ethernet.

In live… DSD 128 (GentooPlayer in RAM) :

  _____            _              _____  _
 / ____|          | |            |  __ \| |
| |  __  ___ _ __ | |_ ___   ___ | |__) | | __ _ _   _  ___ _ __
| | |_ |/ _ \ '_ \| __/ _ \ / _ \|  ___/| |/ _` | | | |/ _ \ '__|
| |__| |  __/ | | | || (_) | (_) | |    | | (_| | |_| |  __/ |
 \_____|\___|_| |_|\__\___/ \___/|_|    |_|\__,_|\__, |\___|_|
                                                  __/ |
 RamSystem Mode 1
 Free memory: 427MB of total 964MB

 GentooPlayer   | 05:18 | Tue 06/07/21
 v6.10-32      | Raspberry Pi 3B/3B+ (aarch64)

thìnkin of grabbing a rpi4,ive never messed about with them before as I’ve always used a node2 and now a ifi zen stream,is it easy enough to setup all these different os on the rpi?I have zero knowledge of Linux and command lines

James there are plenty of easy to follow guides that should help you through this

I have this with my RPi and have given up a long time ago after several reflashes using different software and cards.

is it easy to get started though?even with guides,like I said I have zero knowledge

I think that’s where I’m at. I am also using the 8Gig version of Pi4 and sensing that may be part of the problem. Pretty weak if that’s the case.
I started this journey trying to get HQ Player Embedded running as a Roon end point and that’s been a comedy of errors. There seems to be such a high level of sketch that I’ll likely abandon it.
When I do get it to work, the sound quality is not inspiring.

There was an early issue with the 8Gb version though I thought it had been fixed. Not used VitOS since I bought the the Zen Stream. The Zen Stream also makes an excellent HQP endpoint

There is always DietPi which works well and Rooopie, and both are excellent as well

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Trying MoOde now and intended on trying Picoreplayer next.
I’ll add DietPi to the list.

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Plenty of fun to be had there.
Always a good idea to buy a few memory cards and swap them out. I used to do a lot of that.
There is also a newer more efficient version of Rooopie (NG) in testing as well that looks like it is coming along nicely.

FWIW, I’ve been using VitOS/Roon Bridge on a RPi 4B 8GB for months without a problem.

Curiously, maybe because of the improved power supply configuration on the 8GB models, the sound quality is way better on the 8GB than if I swap the same SD card and connections into a 4GB Pi.