Silent Angel VitOs

I downloaded the app to my iPad. No clue on how to use it.
What goes in these fields?

Connection Name: whatever you want to call it.
Host: The IP address of the Raspberry Pi
Port: 22
Username: root
Password: ropieee

I believe you also need to login in to the web interface of the Pi, go to the Advanced tab, and then enable ‘SSH Access’.

I’ve only done this once, but I think the above is correct. If not, let me know.

Edit: for this to work properly you’ll need to make sure your Raspberry Pi doesn’t change its IP address between reboots.

Thanks! I will try and report back.

That is done by assigning a fixed IP address in the router, isn’t it?

In my case I used Address Reservation (I’m using a Deco M9 mesh system), but yes, most routers should allow you to ensure a device uses the same IP address each times it boots.

Right for RoPieee and RoPieeeXL. User and password for VitOS should both be root.

In VitOS SSH is enabled by default. On Port 22.

I’m also using IP address reservation on my DHCP server.

On the PiHelper interface You can use Reboot and Halt from the default device menu. Up to 15 additional commands can be defined through Edit commands e. g. poweroff.

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So, I must have missed this, but it looks like VitOS will not do AirPlay? In which case I have to say with RoPieeeXL.


Bump on this. Does it work with AirPlay?


No, it works as a Roon Bridge exclusively. But You could have one memory card with VitOS and another one with RopieeeXL. Only if You don’t mind to poweroff, change the card and boot again, of course.

Thank you @klisse

Does anyone know where I can obtain the source code for VitOS?

The Web site says:

VitOS is a customized Linux based operating system designed for music server and player. Optimizations in the kernel and system are done by Silent Angel engineers

And Linux is licensed under the GNU Public License, which requires anyone producing a derivative work to make the source code for that derivative freely available. So I figure it must be available somewhere.

Hi David,

We have talked to Roon person about this. We will revise the installation procedures to make it.

Thank you for reminding.

Best regards,


I have been poking around VitOS for little while and I have a few comments:
first I would strongly recommend changing the password after install:


Ignore the kernel upgrades:

edit /etc/pacman.conf:
first install nano:

pacman -S nano

nano /etc/pacman.conf

Uncomment IgnorePkg = and add on the same line linux-raspberrypi4 linux-headers linux-api-headers so you have this:

Pacman won’t upgrade packages listed in IgnorePkg and members of IgnoreGroup

IgnorePkg = linux-raspberrypi4 linux-headers linux-api-headers
#IgnoreGroup =


Ctrl +x

to save.
Next, we want to set the time and timezone. Archlinux uses systemd so we don’t need to install any additional programs for this task:

timedatectl set-timezone Region/Country

for me, that would be Europe/Helsinki

start ntp to keep time:

timedatectl set-ntp true

Now we’re ready to update:

pacman -Syu

name your raspberrypi:

hostnamectl set-hostname your-pi-name-here


I wanted to ssh into my Raspi4 running VitOS via my Mac mini terminal.

Got that weird message (see below). Anyone knows what this means?


Br, PaulScreenshot 2021-02-18 at 09.13.33

Hi Paul have you updated your VitOS installation since you last connected from your Mac (update in December)

That would generate a new key as it is a different installation.
Your Mac has saved the previous key.

I could be wrong but it doesn’t seem to bad


Hi Magnus,
could you elaborate as to why it is necessary to update the OS?
Doesn’t it possibly damage the optimizations done by thunder data (Whatever these might be?)
Thanks and Regards,

Don’t know, Mike, maybe I need to change some settings in Mac‘s Preferences menu, as it had been updated several times.

Till soon, Paul

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Because, like all software this too has bugs and security issues. Running an out of date linux distribution with ssh enabled with default root/root logins is a good way to compromise your network. VitOs is not an appliance you can just set and forget.
And updating does not break anything if you use the IgnorePkg listed.


Just had a go for it. There’s quite a lot being updated! Rebooting now.

One addition:
nano isn’t installed by default and needs to be installed first through pacman.

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good point, I has been a few days since I installed it, I will edit my post to include that step.

Updating went smooth, everything working fine. Thanks for the guidance in that point!

Out of curiosity I did a comparison of packet versions before / after (pacman -Q). As it seems, the original install pretty much represents the arch linux version state of end of November 2020, which is in line with the release of VitOS 1.0.1415 in early December 2020. Most packages have only minor version steps up.
Initially I was afraid, the linux version would still be on the state of the initial ViOS 1.0.823 release of December 2019…

So a check for updates is in order every now and then.