Silent Angel VitOs

That was my understanding as well, but after looking into the code that the app triggers, it does not appear to be the case…that code is downloading Roon Bridge binaries from the website instead of I’m not sure how this is any better than just including Roon Bridge in the VitOS image (at least with regard to respecting copyright), but I’ve not ruled out the possibility that there’s a reasonable explanation.

Right. As far as I know, VitOS is strictly Ethernet in, USB out. I’ve not attempted to install a HAT and would be surprised if the necessary drivers were present. RoPieee or HiFiBerryOS should work well for your Digi+ Pro HAT (assuming it’s from HiFiBerry).

Edit: Going by my latency measurements, DietPi is pretty close to VitOS in many respects. If there’s a correlation between network performance and sound quality (and I don’t know why there would be), DietPi may sound slightly better. :wink:

Agree, but not read anything else since then


Well I went straight to Ropieee for now and worked first time on USB, I will test digital later.


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So after updating Firmware and plugging in the Hat, Ropieee has found the Digi+ Pro board instantly.
I had to say I was a bit concerned after reading so many threads where people had issues, but then isn’t this whole forum a bit like that, and the 95% that works perfectly just gets forgotten.

Well I will test it after the family has gone to bed and hopefully both the FIIO K5 Pro headphone amp and the Onkyo amp will both feed nicely from the Coax and digital outs, so I can get a comparison for the differences between USB and Digital outputs.

Everything worked perfectly after I managed to find some fine old SPDIF and Coaxial cables and the testing began. First on the Same Pi using Ropieee to switch between USB and the digital outputs on the Digi+ Pro. All good and Roopieee performed like a dream (once I managed to select the correct Hat configuration).

So after a couple of hours of non A/B testing and using different cables and Pi power supplies both my son and I slightly preferred a coaxial over both USB and SPDIF CABLES and we then started switching between two different Pi’s into the same DAC and switching the Same tracks between devices

DietPi with a good IFi power supply, and Audioquest cinnamon USB cable and USB suppressor against a £7.99 power supply, the Digi+ pro and an old coaxial cable running Ropieee.

Both systems sounded great and very little to choose between them and I will move the Digi+ to the Onkyo home cinema Amp for further testing. Initial impression of the Digi+ pro and Ropieee are excellent and great value proposition.

I might have to get an analogue version to feed into my Sonos Amp to give me a different option as a test.


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Is SPDIF capable of handling files up to 24/192? And how about DSD?

Thanks for your impressions!

I must say, installation of Ropieee(XL) is simple and it runs very reliably.

Br, Paul

Paul I went down the route of plain Ropieee as not looking for any of the other features.

The Fiio K5 Pro did manage 24/192 and I posted a screen shot to another thread (upscaled from 24/96 as a test), but my Onkyo only seems to go to 24/96 . I had DSD going but I think that was through USB as it didn’t work through coaxial

Onkyo also currently playing MQA first unfold through coaxial

In production now and very happy with it.
Need to get a metal case once they come into stock.


20 posts were split to a new topic: Silent Angel VitOS - a little help please

@David_Snyder: First Off, Thanks for the Video-Tutorial on VitOS including the network latency measurements! I saw, that you were successfully able to change the hostname of the Pi. I wasn’t able to do that through the usual means (editing /etc/hostname), changes were overridden on reboot. Advice on how to proceed would be appreciated!

I agree, that it ist difficult to make a connection between network latency and sound quality, as data is most likely buffered on the endpoint anyways before being send to the DAC via USB. So the interesting part should be, what VitOS presumably does better on the connection to the DAC than for example RoPieee or DietPi. Less deviation in latency again?

Regards from Germany,

I would like to give it a try in one of my RPi endpoints. Is there an option in the application manager to safely shut down the RPi?
Once in a while and due to different circumstances I like to unplug all my audio system and computers.
Thanks in advance.

Try this:

[root@Raspberry-Pi-4B ~]# hostnamectl set-hostname VitOS
[root@Raspberry-Pi-4B ~]# reboot

Good luck!

I see an option on VitOS Manager to reboot the RPi, but not do a clean shutdown. You can login via ssh as root (password is root) and type poweroff, but that’s not always convenient. Best answer I have for now, though.

That did the trick.
Thanks alot!

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Thanks David. The lack of a direct shutdown option in the application manager is a deal breaker for me. I will keep an eye on it, hopefully they will add it in the future.

I understand, but I’ve just unplugged mine a number of times with no issues. Generally, these Raspberry Pi operating systems tend to write most of their logs to ramdisk (or similar) to avoid burning through all of the write cells on the microSD card, so unlike a typical Linux host, its unlikely that you’ll damage the filesystem on VitOS by just yanking the cord. :slight_smile:

Another thumbs up for VitOs. I have 6 Roon endpoints in my system. Previously all RopieeeXL implementations. For some reason the endpoint in my main listening room (RPi4 with direct wired ethernet, connected to ADI-2 Dac via USB) started misbehaving badly. Kept getting “Roon lost control of device” errors on just this single endpoint. No improvement with restarting server, router and pi. On a whim I flashed a card with VitOs (which btw was the easiest process ever). Have had zero problems since. I’m not convinced there is a marked improvement in sound quality as others have stated, but it is working well and sounds terrific.


Kevin the truth is we are spoiled to have so many choices that all offer slightly different functionality and all basically free of anything but effort and even not much of that depending on what you are trying to do.

I now run 4 pi’s (so a bit behind you) and have 1 VitOS, 1 DietPi, 1 Ropieee and 1 HifiBerryOS and all work a treat for me.
Long may it continue.



Michael, you are correct. We are spoiled. I am so grateful for the hard work all these developers have done to make high-end endpoints accessible to everyone.


No deal breaker for me, JoseL. I’m using PiHelper from the AppStore on my iOS devices to reboot or poweroff all my RasPis. Not sure if it’s available for Android devices.

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Thanks for the heads-up about PiHelper, I wasn’t familiar with it.