Skipping with Tidal MQA appears fixed by changing Tidal log-in

I previously reported skipping problems with Tidal under the thread “Serious problems with Tidal streaming in Roon 1.7”. My system details are listed there. Skipping, both momentary and skipping to the next track, occurred routinely but only with MQA, not 44.1kHz files. The Roon 1.7 core was installed in an Innuos Zenith Mk3 server. Following the suggestion of your support staff (@noris), I installed 1.7 on a MacBook Pro and replaced the Innuos with that; MacBook Pro played the same files flawlessly.
What I failed to recognize: when I did the Roon install on the MacBook, Tidal had failed to accept my password so I changed it, i.e. re-logged in to Tidal. Going back to the Innuos and reverting Roon core to that, the Tidal password had to be updated there too. The Innuos Zenith is now playing fine, no skips as yet in files that reliably failed (every time) previously. This appears to be solved for the moment, though I’ll report back if anything shows up in long term listening.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Serious problems with Tidal streaming in Roon 1.7