(Greg Dowling)
October 28, 2024, 1:06pm
Has anyone taken a look at this yet?
I can see my existing HA code can’t browse or play smart playlists - although it does see the names in the browser. It looks like the TV Remote app has a similar issue.
Just wondered if anyone has look at this yet, just so I know whether I need to just revise the code - or roon don’t support these properly via the api yet.
1 Like
(C.W. Oehlrich)
October 28, 2024, 1:32pm
What is a “smart playlist” and where to create or find it in Roon
Probably this issue will also be relevant for rooExtend…
Best DrCWO
(C.W. Oehlrich)
October 28, 2024, 1:56pm
In my Browser ther button to create the smart playlist is missing
And I’m up to date…
(Just a fellow user like you)
October 28, 2024, 2:00pm
Restart your Roon server one or two times more. This happened many times
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(Just a fellow user like you)
October 28, 2024, 2:07pm
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(Greg Dowling)
October 28, 2024, 11:11pm
Looks like @R_102 already took a look and the api doesn’t support them properly yet
It looks like smart playlist aren’t supported via the API yet… The “Not Found” title is return via the API.
COMPLETE Success [204]: {"items":[{"title":"Not Found","subtitle":null,"image_key":null,"item_key":"12:0"}],"offset":0,"list":{"level":1,"title":"Smart Test","subtitle":"39 Tracks","image_key":null,"count":1,"display_offset":0}}
Possibly one for Support @benjamin
(Michel Timmermans)
March 22, 2025, 3:50pm
Is the smart playlist option in the API still not available?
No - nothing in the API has changed in the last few years other than an update to play nicely with new Nodejs versions.
I don’t think this will be a priority for the developers - but have no inside knowledge.
What there is about playlists and API is this ticket:
What’s happening? · Something else How can we help? · None of the above Other options · Other Describe the issue summary: local roon playlists do not show up on extensions I have these types of playlists: 1. created in the roon app against my flac files 2. created in tidal/qobuz as custom playlists and synced in roon (show up in roon) 3. favorited in tidal/qobuz and synced in roon (show up in roon) I have installed a few extensions and neither will show the roon made playlists, only the pl…