Smart playlists via the API?

Has anyone taken a look at this yet?

I can see my existing HA code can’t browse or play smart playlists - although it does see the names in the browser. It looks like the TV Remote app has a similar issue.

Just wondered if anyone has look at this yet, just so I know whether I need to just revise the code - or roon don’t support these properly via the api yet.

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What is a “smart playlist” and where to create or find it in Roon :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Probably this issue will also be relevant for rooExtend…

Best DrCWO


In my Browser ther button to create the smart playlist is missing :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


And I’m up to date…

Restart your Roon server one or two times more. This happened many times

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Hmmmm :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Looks like @R_102 already took a look and the api doesn’t support them properly yet

Is the smart playlist option in the API still not available?

No - nothing in the API has changed in the last few years other than an update to play nicely with new Nodejs versions.

I don’t think this will be a priority for the developers - but have no inside knowledge.

What there is about playlists and API is this ticket: