SMB path to USB drive on a Mac

When I try to add a storage folder on a USB drive attached to another Mac I get: “Cannot connect to share: unauthorised”. Tried various user names and passwords and workgroups. SMB path works for “connect to server” in finder but does not require a password. Is there some way to test what username and password will work? Or could it be a problem with the smb path having spaces? The error message is not very helpful.


Try to rename the drive and folder to no spaces if you can

Other options like using the \ esc character before the space or replace space with %20

Thanks but I tried that before and it didn’t help. The computer name has spaces in it. And the username. What would help is some indication of where the problem is. Or some other piece of software which can be used to test the link with descriptive error messages that describe what the problem is so it can be fixed.

Hi @GraemeM,

So we can better assist you, please provide a brief description of your current setup using this link as a guide.

Make sure to describe your network configuration/topology, including any networking hardware currently in use, so we can have a clear understanding of how your devices are communicating.

Can you share the path that you are entering in Roon?

Are there any special characters in your password?

MacOS, Ethernet, router, ethernet, MacOS.

Can you share the path that you are entering in Roon?

Sorry Not on a public forum.

Are there any special characters in your password?

Not on a public forum.

You can PM Dylan with ‘private’ info.

unless you are trying to SMB to a public IP address range (in which case performance issues might abound) i don’t see what you can’t substitute the format you are trying to use. Likewise the username could substitute any characters etc. password I see no reason to reveal here other than it might have spaces or other non alpha characters in it

Thanks for unlisting.

Path: smb://imac-27-2015/Music-(iMac)

No special characters in PW.

I’m not sure whether the smb username is the same as the macOS login name (which has a space) or something different.

Not sure what the workgroup should be but I expect WORKGROUP.

Error is “Could not connect to share: unauthorized”. Whatever I enter for the credentials. Path seems to be fine though.

Roon connects fine to the volume as mapped on the machine Roon is on. According to the setup for that it is not recommended though.

Hi @GraemeM,

This should be the same username as the macOS login for the account the share was setup.

Workgroup isn’t always necessary unless required by the share that was setup. You can try leaving this blank.

Just to verify, are you able to access the share from the machine Roon is on by entering smb://imac-27-2015/Music-(iMac) into Finder?

Yes that path works in finder on the Roon machine.

Hi @GraemeM,

I think the next step here is to enable some diagnostics on your account so our technical staff can get some more insight into what’s going on here.

However, before I enable this feature, I’d like to ask for your help ensuring we gather the right information.

First, can you please reproduce the issue once more and note the time at which the error occurs. Then respond here with that time, and I’ll make sure we review the diagnostics related to that timestamp.

This is going to look suspicious but I thought I’d create a new sharing only user on the mac for roon to use. That username and password works perfectly with no workgroup. I think it must be some weirdness with the other login that was creating a problem. Sorry about that.

Shame I didn’t get that fixed before last day of trial.

Thank you for your help.