Some HLS Live Radio Streams Play With 30 Min Delay [Ticket In]


My use case is Danish national broadcaster having a 192kbps hls/aac stream. Which is the highest quality of the streams they provide(they also provide 192kbps shoutcast MP3 stream which is what I use with room)

It would be nice to be able to select these streams from DR (the national broadcaster) in the radio directory or at least be able manually add them

Links to streams are here:


Hello @Hasse_Hagen_Johansen , I’m afraid they can’t be added. Roon can’t deal with those at the moment as they are chunked .ts streams.

The Roon devs are aware.

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Hello @Hasse_Hagen_Johansen , Roon have recently upgraded a part of their internet radio software with the result that these DR station streams will now play.

I’ve updated the stations accordingly.

(The final stream is vbr aac lc which seems to settle down at 96k)

Hi Brian

Thank you for adding the stations.

I am a little confused as DR should be sending 192kb/s aac streams(but they may have changed it after stating that)

With VLC on a computer I get a stream bitrate around 320 kb/s

From the following link(DR P3):


I also just tested the hls/aac streams. They doesn’t seem to work. I have tried with output device phone, computer & bluesound power node


Ahh, we may have to wait for the roon backend to be updated . Sorry.

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Hi Brian

It seems like the mp3 streams also have stopped working (seems like Roon waits forever for the stream to start). This also happens after a RoonServer restart(thought it might be some state because I tried the HLS stream)


Hmm, I think Roon is choosing the HLS stream even when you try the mp3. I’ll disable the HLS channels for now until things get sorted out.

There are lots of regional channels - which one of those do you listen to?

Thanks. I have tried P3 and P4 København. I listen mostly to the latter

Are they still not working? I had removed the HLS streams.


Hi Brian. I have just tested again. It is working again. Thank you

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Hello @Hasse_Hagen_Johansen , after the latest Roon update, I have added the HLS streams back again.

Hi Brian. Thanks for the update. It plays the stream now, but it is a little strange. It is like it plays the stream from current time ~ -30 minutes. I tried both the icecast streams and the aac/hls and it is the same problem for all of them(but maybe it is because it will use the aac/hls for all of them like last time?)

I tried this evening again at 18.30 there is news but they announced the clock to be 18.00


Hello Hasse, something very strange is going on.

I also see the 30min delay, and looking at the underlying chunks they indeed have a timestamp of 30 mins before current. Wierd in itself, but utterly confusing to me is that if I play the HLS stream through VLC, all is OK. I need to investigate further…

OK, I now understand.

The station sends out pointers to 30 minutes of audio in 5.99 second chunks The website (and VLC) play the last; Roon plays the first.

I’m afraid you’ll have to live with it for now, but I’ll inform the Roon devs.

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There’s another small wrinkle, but I can deal with it.

The non HLS streams are fine and play on time; however if they are added as .m3u files, Roon doesn’t properly deal with them if there’s an HLS stream. You always end up with the HLS stream even if you choose the mp3.

I’ll adjust the URLs so things should work. It’ll take me a while though as there are lots of DR programmes.

I think there will only be confusion if these 30 minute delayed streams exist - I’ll hide them for now until Roon fixes the problem.

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Hi @BrianW / @Hasse_Hagen_Johansen ,

Is this issue still current? I have located an existing ticket and have linked it to this thread, but I just wanted to double-check that this is still reproducible for you at the present time.

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Yes, and see this thread

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Still a problem. My Danish radio broadcast is 30 minutes delayed when i start and on top it repeats the same 30 minute chunk again and again. Strange that Roon does not care to create a solution. Being a lifetime subscriber, I feel a bit disappointed :disappointed:

@noris @Jorgen_Dybro @BrianW

The original issue was when there in a short period was support for hls/aac internet radio streams. As far as I know it was pulled and never fixed, which is a shame as many internet radio stations are using hls/aac for their higher quality streams(ex. the danish national radio / Danmarks Radio / DR

The problem was that when starting to play a station it would start to play from the start of the stream instead of at the current time. Which would in the DR circumstance play 30 minutes old radio

MP3 didn’t had the issue at that time

—- scratch this —-
BUT now I actually also experience it on the mp3 streams, and I think it started a couple of weeks ago or maybe with the last release. It is actually quite annoying as I use it for alarm clock in the morning

I see that the high quality stream have changed from the previous mp3 to the hls/aac again which surfaces the old bug I originally experienced
