A post was split to a new topic: Thinking about bringing my complete AAC library into Roon
Hi guys,
There have been many people with problems during the 880-884 Updates. I think about switching from itunes to roon. For me it would be interesting to know, if you solved your problems regarding the loss of data (or get solved)?
Build 880 introduced “Improved database integrity monitoring”, this monitoring highlighted corruption issues in the Roon DB that would have previous only come to light during a DB update or restore ** and ensures that only valid backups could be taken.
*when the whole DB was checked
The problem that some users experienced, was that their DB was unfortunately already corrupt and so were their backups. Hence, the only way forwards was to start with a clean DB.
Today it is a different situation, in that the DB is validated before the backup is taken thus building confidence that should it be necessary it can be restored without issue.
If you’re interested in the built notes have a look at #roon:software-release-notes
Hope this helps.
Thank you, that makes me confident - even if I understand very little about the technical details.
Maybe also one of the “real” users will give some feedback later.
I think we’re all “real” users here. Personally, I had no problems because my database was not corrupt. The key going forward is to do frequent backups. If your current database will not backup due to being corrupt, simply restore your most recent backup.
I have a 1TB USB HDD plugged into my Roon Nucleus and it backs up every night. I keep 30 of the most recent backups. It also backs up once a month and I keep 12 of those.
The original complaint from some time ago -
As real as it gets.
I am a “real user” who experienced this corrupted DB/failed backup issue before Christmas 2021. I disabled backups at the suggestion of Support. Apparently my database has an abnormally large size that is not commensurate with my number of songs and artists. I am still patiently waiting for support to finish their investigation of my DB and provide me a solution. I continue to use Roon regularly and add content to my collection. I am in a vulnerable position without a good backup and 3 years of effort grooming my collection.
Robert that is bad News, but I thought there was no solution due to the design of the underlying database.
Would be great if they can provide an export function even if it only got 90% and you can just rescan the rest of it.
I hope they come through for you.
Don’t know why you replied to me, but I am tagging @support for you.
Hey All,
I am also a real user, as the most of us, and I understand your doubts. There are actually some Roon employees or people close to Roon among us. But it’s fine anyway. I see it as a real luxury that the community is intertwined with the workforce. So the boys hear our concerns and questions, but also our anger live.
Regarding your main question: I haven’t had any problems since the disaster mentioned in the title. Unfortunately, however, I had no choice but to start with a new empty database. I hope that was and remains the first and only time.
But, don’t worry too much. I think Roonlabs learned something from the problem, even if they don’t admit it here.
Oh … I can totally sympathize with you
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