SonoreUPnP Bridge (beta)

Business as usual then! :slightly_smiling_face:

Seems to be, the SonoreUPnP bridge works great and is rock solid.

For me, it allows my Naim NDS network player to operate as a Roon endpoint, with changing it or upgrading. The upgrade to the ND555 would cost about €8k as Naim have priced the ND555 up there as part of their 500 series (much higher than the reference NDS was), but with a new streamer board (better WiFi support, the Roon Ready implementation, AirPlay 2 etc.) but the same DAC chips, the brass isolation platform as the NDS and you still use an external PSU with both the NDS and ND555. I have the reference 555DR one already.
So to add Roon support to my NDS, the SonoreUPnP Bridge makes a very effective solution.

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Anyone having a problem recently? Roon is no longer showing the time playing and stops after each track.

No, all is good.
Have you tried restarting the Bridge or rebooting the endpoint?

Thanks, I had rebooted the bridge a few times but not the NDS. Rebooting both fixed the problem.

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Yes, very occasionally things can get out of sync, particularly after fast changes to playing order or within a track, and a reboot refresh is required, and all is sorted out again.


I see you also run a NDS so you have first hand experience. Mine is back working well. Thanks again.

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Hello to all, for some time I have been successfully using the upnp bridge to Roon enable my Naim NDS. The app is installed on a rpi supplied by SGC. However I am noticing more frequent dropouts of late. I am using Qobuz a lot and without realising it, I am playing a lot more 24/192 material. I have found that if I set up a 24/192 album to play, it will consistently skip a track after almost exactly 31 minutes minutes of play. This will happen with streamed Qobuz or local storage or nas. I can only replicate the issue on the Naim / Sonore rig and all other Roon devices are working well on the network. I also get the odd dropout on 24/96 and I suspect this would happen after an hour of uninterrupted play, thus not so noticeable for most albums if you tend to pick music on the fly as I usually do.

I am wondering whether buffer on the RPi is struggling. A possible solution could be to try the SD card in a new RPi 4 which apparently has a bit more processing power and the option to go up to 8gb ram. Has anyone tried this or anything along similar lines?

Are you using WiFi or Ethernet. If WiFi has anything changed, router, neighbours, new walls etc ?

Please post a image of your set up screen in the unit.

Hi Mike, I use all wired ethernet, same cabling I have had for years. I run cable direct from my isp router to an Etherregen. This connects roon core, upnp and router on the A side and naim nds on the B side. The etherregen is the only recent change, I was using a cisco 2960 preciously.

Okay. Please post an image of the SonicOrbiter setup for the SonoreUPnP Bridge app.

Try setting the output format to FLAC.

Hi Jesus, Do you mean try enabling FLAC compression on the Roon core as a format to output to the bridge? Anyway I am trying that now and will report back later.

I think, Jesus R. means the output format setting inside your upnp bridge. Your screenshot showes, it is set to wave, not to flac

I am using the upnp bridge with my ndx. It works well, even if I set the output format to wave.

I don’t have a flac option on the bridge itself, only wav or lpcm. It is on SO 2.7

Try lpcm, your nds will recognize this as pcm and pcm ist about the same as flac

Well, so far so good - I have tried with flac compression for the Roon output and left the Sonore as WAV. This has played a full 192 album on repeat flawlessly for the last couple of hours, so I think that fixed the streaming although I couldn’t assess it for any sq impact. Anyway I am now trying with flac disabled in Roon and lpcm enabled in Sonore. Will report back.