Sonos - "Roon lost control of the audio device" after Sonos Update [Resolved: Update Sonos Firmware]

I had the problem yesterday. My Play 5s and Ones were affected and I received the same message - ‘Roon lost control of the audio device’. I unplugged/rebooted my Boost and also did a reboot of my Nucleus and router. Everything has been fine since.

I completely shut down and re-booted everything in my household. Modem, router, computers, all sonos units. Everything. To no avail. Still get the same error. Please Fix This !

I’m currently only using a Sonos Move (the rest of my Sonos gear is in storage for another month). On Tuesday, I tried playing from Roon to the Move, and it stuttered twice and then said “lost control of the audio device”. I turned the move on and off and then it started working fine and has been working fine since.


Ich antworte mal auf deutsch.
Bei sind es die Sonos five, also die 2. Generation.

Bis jetzt funktionieren die noch :cold_face:

High, ich antworte mal auf deutsch.
Kannst du den Chatverlauf sehen?

Da steht was von „bekanntem Problem“ wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe.

Gruß Andreas

Hallo @Andreas_Becker1, ja, das ist ein nunmehr bekanntes Problem und wird seitens Roon analysiert. Es tritt offenbar nicht bei allen Sonos-Geräten auf. Und es gibt User, die nach einem Neustart ihrer Umgebung keine Probleme mehr haben, bei anderen hilft es aber leider nicht.

Hello @Andreas_Becker1, yes, this is a now known problem and is being analysed by Roon. It does not appear to occur with all Sonos devices. And there are users who no longer have problems after restarting their environment, but unfortunately it doesn’t help with others.

Me too. Bonus updated last night on a ‘older’ Sonos one without AirPlay and it ‘broke’ the connection. All attempts at rebooting server, core and Sono speakers leads no where. Without AirPlay, no Roon for Sonos for now.

Hi everyone,

Thank you for your patience - we understand this is a high-priority issue that is preventing many users from enjoying basic functionality in Roon.

We’ve now reproduced the issue and are actively working on a solution. Thank you to those of you who provided additional details above.

The tech support team will post an update here as soon as we have a fix in place.


Thank you and good luck.

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Hi everyone,

While we work on a permanent fix for this, the team has a workaround that should patch the issue and restore playback for many affected users.

This rather circuitous workaround involves starting Roon with a command-line Flag called:

Note this will prevent Sonos devices from reencoding content to FLAC, which is not an ideal or permanent solution. It’s just a workaround for now.

You will need to use a Command Line flag to start Roon. This workaround is operating-system-specific.

Here are instructions for each Operating System. You will need to replace the -storagetrace Flag (see article links below) with the -nosonosflac Flag.

  • Windows instructions
  • Mac instructions
  • Linux instructions. Note that Linux requires a command-line RoonServer restart to implement the flag (instructions for this also included in linked article).
  • RoonOS (Rock/Nucleus) Instructions

For example, on MacOS, a user would open Terminal and type the following Command Line to launch Roon with the necessary Flag for the workaround:

/Applications/ -nosonosflac

Roon will then automatically launch. Playback should then work with affected Sonos endpoints.

We recognize it’s not the most simple solution, but we wanted to provide at least one functional workaround before the weekend. Please let us know if the Command Line Flag workaround helps. We’re actively working on a permanent solution and exploring more user-friendly workarounds in the meantime.


Bummer they found a way to replicate it on a Friday - being in software myself I know we would “work the problem to solution” regardless of day/time. Hopefully the Roon staff can rest up and tackle it on Monday.

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The workaround worked for me.

Thanks for the workaround. This saves me the weekend. :slight_smile:

uwe@mbp-von-uwe ~ % /Applications/ -nosonosflac
00:00:00.000 Warn: get lock file path: /tmp/.rnsgem501-
00:00:00.143 Debug: RoonServer, before attempting to start RoonAppliance binary at path: /Applications/
00:00:00.216 Debug: RoonServer, after starting RoonAppliance

I ignore the debug mode for now.

For me, the terminal window has to stay open because the process seems to run in the terminal.

Hi Ansreas,

ja, ich kann den Chatverlauf sehen. Ein vorläufiger Workaround wird auch angeboten, kann ihn aber heute nicht tedten, da ich ab gleich unterwegs bin. Versu he es morgen Mittag.




sorry, no chance. ROON-App is starting, but the same Problem. No Connect to Sonos Port.
when i use my mac mini as roon core, everything works fine.

It’s very strange over here. i was originally affected by the sonos problems (see here ).

For some time, everything was stable, Sonos streaming worked as expected. Since two days or so, I am hit by “Roon lost control of the audio device”. But, strangely enough, only on my IKEA picture frame, which is currently only reachable via airplay. My Sonos one on the other hand works trouble-free via roon and sonos straming.

Thanks, that helped getting functionality back. Looking forward to a proper fix, though.

I am experiencing the same problem with a Nucleus+ feeding a Lyngdorf TDAI-3400. If I stop playing it will lose the connection. To fix this I have to select a different input on the Lyngdorf then when I restart play the connection gets re-established. The Nucleus is running Room 2.0 (build 1244).

The workaround is working for me on imac using the terminal command line. Just have to keep terminal open and not quit the app because it will close roon as well.

Same issue here, however think there are multiple things at play.

I think the Sonos update has impacted devices being able to connect to 2.4Ghz when routers are serving up with 5Ghz too (BT hub in my case).

Whilst troubleshooting this before finding the thread, a reset on my stereo pair of play:1 units didn’t help, nor could I get them back online. Turned out, disabling the devices being used for setup from using 5Ghz did the trick to get them added back in… this hasn’t ever been an issue before the update Sonos have rolled out.

Now that’s sorted, I’m back to having this issue with Roon, so off to sort the workaround I go!