Storage not working in Titan [was: Moving from Nucleus (not +) to Titan]

So I’m hoping I can RMA this unit and get a replacement.

Support will show up but it’s the weekend

No problem, I didn’t think I would hear anything about a return until Monday…

Thanks to everyone, both on and off this site for help in trying to get the disk drive in my Titan operational. At this point I’m going to wait to, get an RMA to replace it.

Again, thanks everyone,


Hi @Dan_Sullivan,

Please fill out the Typeform below to get started on an RMA:

In the meantime @Dan_Sullivan, could you bring the Titan back online with the drive attached? Our team would like to enable more thorough diagnostics on the device.

Let me know, thanks! :+1:

Sure. I have to move it from my Nucleus. I’ll get back to you when I’m done.


I have the drive in the Titan. Titan is playing track fro Qobuz so it is basically alive.

However it cannot access the disk drive. I can connect to the Titan with Finder (via smb I assume). Sees all the usual Nucleus files but the Storage folder is empty.


Also the Storage selection in the Room client app can’t find anything.

Not to divert you from getting the drive opertational, but while I have the Titan hooked up I’ve been doing some quick testing.

What I have found is that the Titan has less processing power than my Nucleus. I normally up scale everything to DSD256 but I have found that the Titan can’t do that reliably. When it can do it, it is not running as fast as my Nucleus. My Nucleus generally runs at 2.3 times real time, but the Titan only can do 1.9 for upscale to DSD256.

Should the Titan run Muse faster than Nucleus?

If the Titan is really faster than the Nucleus then this box has another problem besides the disk drive.


Not meaning to divert further, but sometimes the processing speed indicator is leading us astray…
It is fully possible that the Titan is so relaxed doing this upscaling, that it actually lets is processor cores “step down” and idle away.
I ahve seen this on a few desktop CPU’s, which (while running Win10/11) claim to have a lower value in Processing Speed than their NUC/Laptop-brethren. But upon looking at Activity Monitor in Windows they are idling at 800Mhz. Where a heavy load brings the same Core up to over 4Ghz…

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It’s just not upscaling properly. The distortion is audible.

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That is of course a different thing, if it stumbles in processing…

Also I’m using the performance indicator in Muse. I’m pretty sure is looks at how quickly bits are being produced my Muse and is not using a CPU performance indicator.

But thanks for the thought


But it is, the Processing Speed indicator is a "combined measure"of the load on primarily CPU, but also I/O related to disk and RAM.

The Muse performance indicator behaves exactly like @Mikael_Ollars described and does not reliably show “how quickly bits are being produced my Muse”. Was explained many times by Roon Labs:

Of course, it should not distort or drop out. There seems to be something else wrong with whatever. It should be clearly faster (from):

And (from)

Edit: @benjamin I think the library capacity is wrong or at least it is being played too safely in the above spec table. Up to 100,000 tracks is the recommendation for the Nucleus One. Clearly the Titan can do more than just “over 100,000”, as in the text on this page it says “Titan’s increased computing horsepower accommodates the largest music libraries”. “Under/Over 100K” makes sense in a comparison table, but as specs? :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the clarification. But the Muse number are in sync with what I am hearing on playback.

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Thanks for the extra info. According to those benchmarks the Titan should have no problem upscaling to DSD256 like my Nucleus did. So maybe there are other issues with it.


I have a hard break now. I’ll be back around 4:45 EDT. I think that is 1:45 your time? I send a note when I get back.

I think they can retrieve the diagnostics remotely as long as the Titan is running