Storage not working in Titan [was: Moving from Nucleus (not +) to Titan]

I’m back now.


Hi @Dan_Sullivan,

Thanks for the update - we were able to pull a fresh diagnostic report from the Nucleus and our team will investigate further. I hope to have some more information to share soon.

I appreciate your patience in the meantime! :raised_hands:


To establish a baseline; the official explanation in the FAQ since forever has been:

Note that Roon currently runs the DSP engine on one CPU core per zone–so this reflects the load relative to consuming a full core. “2.0x” means you’re using 50% of one CPU core to play music in this zone.


Yeah, but in relation to the current speed of the core, which isn’t a constant as Danny explained

@Suedkiez is correct.

my post from before explains the reason why the Titan shows a lower number.

If that number goes to the 1.0x-1.2x area, I’d be worried… but 1.9x on that CPU means the CPU has scaled itself down a lot and is not generating a lot of heat, but is still nearly twice as powerful as it needs to be to process that stream (to do other stuff).

What does that mean? Are you hearing issues or not? 1.9x would imply zero issues with playback.

I just checked the device I have here, and it works fine. I wonder if it just got loosened during shipment or something.

There is a little blue tab on it… if you pull on that upward, does the ribbon cable come out?

The way that connector works is that you have to pull the clip up about 2-3 millimeters… you can easily do this with a flat head screwdriver. Do it gently, as it doesn’t need to pop up much. When it is up, the ribbon cable is loose now, and can easily be pulled out or pushed in. Please push it back in and then use that same screw driver to push down the clip. it will lock down on the ribbon cable.

also, just to be sure, make sure there are no breaks in the cable.


Yes, I’m hearing noise and dropouts from the Titan doing conversions to DSD256. That’s what lead me to look at the processing speed.

I’ve run into this (distortion and dropouts on my Nucleus, not Titan) before when I was trying to rate convert from DSD512 to DSD256. These two events had one thing in common, Roon listed the processing speed at bit less than 2.

All the other sample rate conversions (to DSD256) I’ve done had a processing power greater than 2. That’s the correlation I saw between Roon’s processing power reading and the ability of the Nucleus/Titan to process bits.

I understand now that I cannot use the Roon processing power number to compare different Nucleus/Titans. Though I’m not sure what the processing power number is useful for :slight_smile:

But, at first glance, and two data points, it appears that my Nucleus does a better job of bit scaling than my Titan. That is what made me question if Titan was a faster machine than Nucleus.

Once my Titan disk is operational I can do more extensive testing to see if I can confirm my initial results… who knows what was going on in my Titan, network, system or that coffee shop on Venus?

Thanks again to everyone who updated my Roon knowledge.



it’s about 4x faster.

It’s useful as a watermark, not as a benchmark. If it gets too low, you can assume you are hitting the wall.

please post a screenshot of your signal path when you are hearing dropouts, and approximate time (and timezone). i can check logs to see if you had cpu issues.

is your HD connected right now?

I tugged on the blue tab and the cable didn’t come loose, but I didn’t tug very hard.

I then pull up the white connector tab the cable popped out. The white connector tab didn’t seem very tight.

I pushed the cable back into the white tab (holding the white tab up so the cables wouldn’t push it down) and pushed in the cable. The cable mad a very low “click” like it was seating into some thing. Then I pushed the white tab back and checked to make sure it was holding onto the cable.

However the disk still does not appear, however the Roon/Setting/Storage page says it is connected.

Also the Roon serve page does not see it.

BTW, this drive as gone back and forth between my Nucleus and Titan a couple of time now and it has been working in the Nucleus.

One I do some more testing I try get some screenshots of problem tracks.

Your drive is not being seen.

You have a weird storage setup where you are connecting to the Data share on the Titan via SMB from the Titan itself. It’s a useless loop, and you should remove that storage location in Roon. It’s not helping you and possibly causing unneeded troubles. I’m sure you got into this situation trying to find the built in storage.

The real issue you have right now is that your storage is not being found. When it is found, you should be able to go the web ui and see something like this:

Until that happens, you won’t find it and diagnosing it in Roon will not be helpful.

I suspect something is wrong with the connection. Check your black ribbon cable. Any breaks or strangeness in it at all? How about the connector on the drive side of things?

I don’t know where that Data directory came from, it’s not something I added.

I’ll take a closer look at the able now.

I’m sure it got added while you were trying to make it work… it’s ok, just remove that storage location and nothing bad will happen.

I here’s a test N+ I have on the network here with some storage. This is what the built in storage will look like if it exists (and is found properly):

I looked at the the ribbon closely. The end that goes to the processor board looks ok.

The ribbon to the drive does not look good to me. The top of the of ribbon appears to have a perfectly straight cut in it… you can see the conductors through the cut.

The bottom of the ribbon to the drive has some creases in it. The electrical tape was on the ribbon when I got Titan. It is in the area of the creases.

My guess is that the ribbon is the problem. If there are some other things I can check let me know.

If you can send me a replacement cable I’m can put it in. I’ll have to do a little cable fishing, bt that’s no problem.


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I’ll see what I can do about a new cable. I’ll pass on your photos to our manufacturer.

I took some photos of my pre-production unit here, which is similar to the production unit, but with some minor differences internally. My phone has a macro lens mode, so the photos are really clear.

Creases and bare spots are normal, but cuts are bad! Can you take a closer photo of what you see as a cut?

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Yes, be right back

On the image, near the straight line, I think those three small pips(zoom in close) are conductors showing through, I think. You can also see that the tape?? over where the connection is made to the connector looks bumpy.


After taking the picture I moved the drive connector to try to get some better light on it and the connector just fell off. I didn’t tug is or anything, it just fell off.

Again, if there is anything else you think needs to be looked at, let me know.


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Someone wwill be in touch tomorrow about getting you a new cable asap.


WOW - Just Wow. That’s 10 mins of my life I’ll never get back to get to the anti-climax of a new Cable!!

At a minimum I would have thought that Quality Control would have had a new Titan there along with a couple of Lifetime Memberships.
Hope you can get back to enjoying the music soon.


It’s no big deal, it’s just that stuff happens. I think Roon is doing a great job of providing me support.

I’ve designed a lot of electronics and all kinds of things happen when something is built, especially when it initially being manufactured. It would be nice if everything coming off the line was 100%, but that never happens.

I think it would be better to look at the great support I got. Danny got right on it and worked with me to zero in on the problem.

I asked him if he would send a new cable. I’m sure he would have swapped out the Titan if I had asked, but just getting a cable will be so much quicker for me.


Great that you are ok with that now and fair play to you. It was just that the above was your initial response and most people would expect to get a replacement straight away for a faulty Premium Product…

Trust that it works well for you. Please keep us up to date on how it pans out.

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Any progress diagnosing this issue?