To-date, still nothing from Roon on how to resolve above issue. And in good faith, I sign up for Lifetime membership, hoping that this will “push” Roon to expedite and resolve the issue as now I am a member.
Also the SYNC BUTTON missing issue, appreciate someone help to resolve this.
And now, with Lifetime membership, right now, I am not even able to use Roon to stream any music, another problem. It is really frustrating. I thought signing up for Lifetime membership, believing in Roon is the right step, so I did it this morning. But now it has created another problem. Not able to stream any music anymore, worst problem.
I see where this has been mentioned to you in another of your posting, but before support can help you they’ll probably want more info. You can get a head start on that by following the directions here -
Hi @Larry_Quek ---- Thank you for your continued patience here and sorry for the troubles!
The support team has been notified of your posts from the “flags” (i.e @support) that have been dropped in this thread. In the meantime however, I would like to offer some troubleshooting suggestions that have helped others in the past when dealing with TIDAL based issued. Kindly see below, thanks!
Logging in and our TIDAL from within Roon.
Rebooting your core machine and any relevant networking equipment to your Roon setup.
I’ve gotten the same messages from Tidal on a couple of albums. I think it’s a Tidal problem, not a Roon problem. Is it all Tidal albums or select Tidal albums? Is this the only problem with your system, i.e. do local albums play alright?
We are aware of the TIDAL syncing issue as I have previously mentioned and we are working on it as per @mike’s latest update:
(Tidal Syncing Issues [Ticket Open] - #56)
This is a looking like a server-side issue (on our servers) and we are working on it.
For now nothing you guys can do, but the good news is I don’t think this will require an update – once we get this fixed on our end everything should be back to normal.
Sorry for the trouble here folks – we’re on it, and we appreciate everyone’s patience.
For the KEF issues, our dev team is aware of these as well and we have made some changes with regard to how KEF streaming works in our upcoming 1.6 release. I do not have an exact timeline that I can share of when 1.6 is being released, but once it is out I am hopeful that it would help with the KEF streaming issues that you are having.
For the complete TIDAL playback failure issue, I saw that you have been working with @eric on this one and have tried some of the common troubleshooting techniques but I have an even simpler question, does TIDAL streaming work as expected in the TIDAL web player ( or in the TIDAL app? This may be an issue with your TIDAL account and have nothing to do with Roon so I just want to check this fact first.
Please let me know if these explanations help or if you have any other questions.