Streaming problem for the first 2 / 3 tracks of each album

From two days till now, Every album (streamed from Tidal) I’ ve been playing and for the first 2 / 3 tracks of each album I got a network problem. From the 3rd / 4th track on all seems working fine. What is the main problem?

Hi @Fabio.73 ----- My sincerest apologies for the slow response and the troubles here. Can you give me an example of a TIDAL album you are experiencing this issue with? I would like to see if I can reproduce this on my end.

Also, may I kindly ask you for the following information:

  1. Can you please describe, in detail, your current setup.

  2. Can you please describe your current network configuration. I would like to get a sense of how your gear is communicating with each other (Wifi, ethernet cable, or both) and what Hardware you are making use of (router(s), extenders, switches, repeaters, extenders, power line adapters).

  3. In certain cases we’ve linked Tidal issues to the user’s location. Can you please tell me what part of the world you are located in?

The more specific and detailed you can be in regard to the above, the better :sunglasses:


Hi @Fabio.73 ---- Just wanted to check in with you on the above and see how things are holding up. Let me know. Thanks!


Hi all @support, the reported issue still persists.
I update an image with the issue

From this image it seems to be a Tidal problem, but, playing the same album at the same time using the Tidal application alone, this issue never happened. Note that the main issue is not related only to the song reported in the picture but happened always with a random frequency independently from the Genere, Album, Tracks and so on.

Below some more technical informations:

Computer information:
MacMini (Late 2014)
CPU: 2,8 Ghz Intel Core i5
Memory: 8 GB 1600 Mhz DDR3
OS: Mac OS Sierra (10.12.1)

Music storage/streaming:
No local storage, only streaming using Tidal service (configured in Roon).

Roon configuration:
Latest version of Roon Core+Output.
From info.plist xml file (I don’t know if these informations would be useful):
CFBundleIdentifier: com.roon.RoonHeadlessManager
CFBundleName: RoonServer
CFBundleVersion: 1.0
NSMainNibFile: MainMenu
CFBundleIconFile: icon
CFBundleGetInfoString: Copyright © 2015 Roon
NSPrincipalClass: NSApplication
LSMinimumSystemVersion: 10.8.0
LSUIElement: 1

Tidal information:
Country: Italy
Account: HiFi

Network configuration:
Hardware Version : WLM-5600
Software Version : 1.30
Model Name : WLM-5600/v1001
Firmware Automatically updated: YES
MacMini and Router are Wired.

HQ Player, but this issue happened also before HQ Player

@Fabio.73 ------ Thank you for the report. I would like to confirm that based on the provided information that you are not making use of Wifi in your current network configuration.

“MacMini and Router are Wired.”

Moving forward, have you tried dumping your TIDAL cache yet? If not I have listed the steps to do so below, to see if this will help trigger a change in behavior here.

Clearing Tidal Cache

  1. Close Roon
  2. Open Finder and click Go in the top bar
  3. Hold down the Alt key to unhide the Library folder
  4. Click the Library folder
  5. Find and open the Roon folder
  6. Navigate to /Library/Roon/Cache
  7. Move the contents of that folder elsewhere, like a RoonCache folder on the desktop
  8. Try restarting Roon and syncing Tidal



I Confirm that Router and MacMac mini are Wired, not using WiFi

Done! and now playing without any stop, but let me test it for some more time.

In addition I can provide some more image of the issue:

Image 1: the (already known) “Login Error” popup

Image 2: tapping “Edit” in the “Login Error” popup

Image3: doing nothing and waiting only one/two seconds:

Image4: again doing nothing and waiting one second or less:

But … Now it’s playing without breaking :grinning:, but let me test more, I’ll be back with an updated feedback.
For now, thank you so much!

Dear @support

unfortunately the problem persists,

additional information #1: this issue happened only on loading track, starting track or after the first few seconds of playing

additional information #2: also in not playing mode, but only having the album opened in the Roon Interface, often appears the Tidal Login Error red popup.

I’m sad fo that :cry:

Hi @Fabio.73 ---- Sorry to hear that the issue has persisted. I would like to gather some logs form you so our developers can have a closer look at what may be happening here. I will be contacting your shortly via PM with instructions. Thanks!
