Sudden unavailability of BIS Label albums sourced from Qobuz in my library

As of today 6-2-2024 almost all BIS recordings (classical) are unavailable, without telling us why this is. Can someone tell me if they ever going to be back? It is a serious issue for me!

Are you accessing them via a streaming service? If so, which one? Thanks.

I have to add that BIS as a label was bought by Apple, but the previous owner of BIS said in an email that the recordings should be available on all streaming services, He was quite clear about this.

Qobuz, but my friends also say they have troubles on Idagio, Tidal etc.

There was a similar issue with BIS/Qobuz a few years ago - it looks to be back…

I’ve just checked my own BIS collection in Roon sourced from Qobuz, and I’m seeing the same problem.

@support - can someone please chase this up with Qobuz?

This issue appears to be affecting all BIS albums added from Qobuz after mid 2021. Albums added before that date are still available. In my collection, that means that 21 of my 36 albums are now unavailable.

Well that sucks!

Agreed - and what is different this time around is that these albums are still available via the Qobuz app.

Hopefully this is just a glitch in the daily data dump from Qobuz - we’ll see what Support can find out about it.

Thank you. I got word from Robert von Bahr, the previous owner of the Label BIS, that Apple is migrating the complete catalogue from the Naxos servers to Apple servers. And according to him, that takes a bit of time.

OK - then that explains what is going on. All the BIS albums that were held on Naxos servers and linked to by Qobuz will now show up as unavailable when they get moved to Apple servers.

I’m afraid that we’re just going to manually update our BIS collections with the new versions - this is not done automatically by Roon (and yes, there is a feature suggestion for this to be implemented).

You need to go the Versions tab of an album and then you will see the new version of the album. Add that to your library and delete the old version. For example:

I will certainly try that, thank you for this.

Well, I have about 100 BIS CD’S in my library, and 70% is now unavailable. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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