Sync Arc created favorites to Qobuz bug and other bugs

Dear developers or Roon,

I use ARC and music streaming is fine.
However when I add a track or artist to my favorites using Arc, the track does sync to Qobuz as favorite (loved track), but the artist does NOT sync.

Please advise.

As a general comment.
After the “big new features” it is now time to think about the long standing customers and focus on all the minor and major bugs that are an annoyance when seriously using Roon.

Another bug I want to mention is:

Regards, Paul


Have to agree here, time to fix some long standing issues and leave the next big update till afterwards maybe? (Unless of course the next big update is your own streaming service? No more integration issues, no more missing tracks - hint hint!!! :blush:)

That’s because a Roon favourite ≠ Qobuz favourite. Indeed, any favourite in Qobuz add the track or release to Roon, but does not make this a Roon favourite.

IOW, Qobuz favourite ≡ add to Roon.

Not sure Martin what you mean.
In my case a track that I “Love” in Roon, becomes synced to Qobuz as a “favourite”.
Please explain, thanks,

This is incorrect. The heart icons isn’t available unless a release is already in your library.

Note the plus (+) to add to library, and no heart. If I add this release to my Roon library, it will be a Qobuz favourite (but not a Roon favourite unless I click the heart, which is only active once the release is in my library.)

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Thanks Martin for the explanation.

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