The Beta Channel: what's cooking? Now at 4.019 (2021/11/13)

2.579 (2020/08/14)

  • more web polish
  • DoP switch for UPNP

2.582 (2020/08/26)

  • support for more remote functions when using Flirc (by using a different map)

2.588 (2020/08/30)

  • updated Shairport-Sync component
  • updated Librespot component
  • implement ‘installation failed’ screen

The last one is important: as RoPieee’s install is unattended it can and always finish, also in the case if something went wrong. The problem with that is that the user thinks everything is ok, only to found out that the unit is not working. This mostly results in me going to the logs to found out that (for example) internet was not available.

What now happens is that the installer flags crucial operations failing (like installing RoonBridge, updating RoPieee itself etc.). If that’s the case, after installation the webpage shows an ‘installation failed’ screen with some explanation.

This at least saves me from the “oh, didn’t know I need to plugin a cable during installation” kinda conversations.


2.589 (2020/08/31)

I’ve implemented an alternative when NTP is not available (there seems to be ISP’s that block NTP. Stupid) to synchronize time over HTTPS (less precise, but good enough).

RoPieee’s new infrastructure also means that it’s package database went from HTTP to HTTPS. And this means that a proper time is a requirement otherwise you run into certification issues which results in the installation not being able to pull in the latest stuff.

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What sort of satanic ISP would block NTP?! All my devices sync their time via NTP and I’d be seriously butthurt if it was blocked.

Here’s why some do
I’m not endorsing it, just pointing out it’s not done out of meanness alone.

Thanks for that. It reinforces my belief that “people suck”.

I think I’m officially and “old man” because it feels like the internet gets worse and worse every day. I’m now awash in firewalls, packet inspection, ad blockers, script blockers, VPN’s, and my own blocking DNS server. I’ve got a GPS receiver and I could probably knock together my own NTP server but thankfully comcast while being evil hasn’t expanded their evilness to blocking staples like NTP.

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Just in case :wink:

2.599 (2020/09/12)

  • upgrade Linux kernel to 5.4 for Pi 2 / 3

@spockfish I took your suggestion regarding my intermittent issue with USB connection to my Ares DAC and switched back to a RPi3 with the latest beta software (2.603). I listened to it for an hour today and so far, so good. But I need a few more hours testing before I can confirm this worked.

However, I noticed something different when I configured the player in Roon Audio Settings. Normally under the DSD setting the best option with Ropieee is DoP - but in this beta version I have the option to play DSD natively . So, that’s the setting I chose. Is this change something new in the beta?

Yes. Little present :wink:


@spockfish That is sure a nice “little present” :smiley:
You do such a great job supporting your software I just sent you another small donation.

By the way, the beta software on a RPi3 seems to have resolved my issue with dropouts on the Ares DAC :+1:

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Was just the Ares VID+PID added to quirks or did you add any other USB DACs as well in the new beta?

(Or is this a ‘freebie’ from upgrading the kernel version?)

2.607 (2020/10/01)

More Linux 5.19 stuff. We’re almost there!

Hello Harry @spockfish
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1 plays music after nightly update to 2.607 but touchscreen doesn’t come up showing only “…we’re ready…”
Had error
[100.246300] v3d fec00000.v3d: MMU error from client L2T (0) at 0x781000, ptc invalid
on one of the reboot trials, which seems common in forums with this RPi model after kernel update.

unique identifier 272873169207d464

Thanks for your outstanding work, once again!

Same after update to 2.609

unique identifier 8ab38675c49e789a

Hmmmm… Hoped this would solve it.

Anyways, this is obviously blocking for release, so thanks fir reporting it.

Flashed and set-up stable version, all ok.
Upgraded to beta, see above…

Thanks for looking into it!

Are you willing to test further in the near feature?

On my Pi 4 with display things work, but this is a serious blocker for the next release.

Sure thing, any time!



unique identifier 71e648439761b71e

Installed new update, coming from stable, to 2.610 on Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.1 but, unfortunately again, touchscreen doesn’t come up, showing only “…we’re ready…”

The other Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev 1.3 runs fine…