The Roon Touch Bar (MacBook Pro)

A bit late since Apple is abandoning the Touch Bar, but here is mine – tailored for Roon using BetterTouchTool:

All the fun in short:

  • Showing Roon icon + Track – Artist » Album
  • Transport and volume control buttons have their actions mapped to @Ronald_Record 's incomparable RoonCommandLine, so control takes place at Core level for the active zone
  • Taking over the Touch Bar entirely and remaining active while Roon is in the background

Just adding a trifle of extra Roon goodness to WFH, I guess. :slight_smile:


I’m still on the old one but the new M2 13inch MacBook Pro has the touch bar as well so perhaps they changed their minds :slight_smile:
Using the stock now playing touch bar (progress bar io track name). It also remains visible regardless of open app as long as you don’t close it with ( x ) but no volume control

I bought myself a Siri Remote last week and have just finished programming it to control Roon and my Kef LSX, using a combination of Better Touch Tool, RoonCommandLine, and kefctl. Pretty much a waste of time, as I have all the commands available from my keyboard, which is literally right next to the remote, but it made me happy to add that “trifle of extra” goodness :slight_smile:

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