There was an Issue Loading your Database - trial period

Hello. I recently began my 14-day trial. After seemingly successfully loading my 23,000+ albums, I rebooted and received the error “There was an issue loading your database.” Please help. Thanks!

Hi @resonance.soul,

The Support devs will look into your issue. It would assist them if you could post your System details as per this thread..

Were you able to close Roon or the operating system before rebooting ? That error message can occur if the system hasn’t closed properly before poweroff.

I’m running the latest version of Roon (downloaded this past weekend) and 64 bit OS/processor, Windows 10 Home, desktop pc built by, Intel Core i7-6700K CPU @4.00Ghz, 32 GB installed RAM. Music stored on multiple USB hard drives, Seagate Backup Plus 8TB each, amount that I loaded into Roon was about 250,000 tracks. I was not able to close Roon before rebooting the OS.

Highly likely you’ve trashed the database. How is it Roon wasn’t closed, had it hung?

Yes, it hung.

Hi @resonance.soul ---- Thank you for the feedback and my apologies for troubles here. What you are experiencing is extremely rare and in the past this type of issue usually stems from some sort of hardware issue or failing drive. The one saving grace is that this occurred early on, so no data has been lost.

A work around here would be to start with a fresh database. I have provided instructions on how to do so below. If you’d like us to take a closer look into this issue I can grab some logs from you as well and we can try to identify the potential cause for this problem.

Fresh DB:

  1. Locate your Roon folder
  2. Rename it to something like Roon_old
  3. Reinstall Roon from our website
  4. Log in, and add your Watched Folders back


I successfully loaded 98,000 tracks last night. I’ve properly closed the program and reopened it successfully. I will load the remainder of my tracks and post back to this thread with results. Thanks for your assistance thus far!

I believe it’s completely working now. Thank you again!


@resonance.soul ----- Very please to hear things are stable :clap: if anything else comes up, please feel free to drop me a line (@Eric) and I will gladly lend a hand. Happy listening!
