Tidal albums not found [Ticket Open]


For example from the top of my mind artists like Beck, Jack Johnson,Jose Gonzalez their albums don’t appear or some of them do while I look up for them in room. If I use tidal app I have no problem finding them.


Hello @Jonathan_gutierrez,

Thanks for contacting support, I’d be happy to take a look over this issue with you. Can you please confirm for me which of the albums that are failing to appear for you and their respective artists? Can you also please let me know which country you reside in? Would you be able to post a few screenshots of what you’re seeing on Roon vs what you’re seeing on TIDAL?


There are albums that appear on tidal but not on roon. I live in San Juan PR and it counts as USA. I have the HIFI sub.

Hello @Jonathan_gutierrez,

Hmm, that’s very strange. When I searched for those albums on my end (also in the US with HiFi sub), all of the Albums are appearing as expected:

Can you please try disabling/re-enabling TIDAL from within Roon? You can perform that in Settings -> Services -> Edit Button next to TIDAL -> Disable -> Enable. You can also press “Sync Library Now” button on that same page just so that it’s up to date. Please let me know if that has any change in albums displayed.


I have similar issues, the new Eminen album is not visible through Roon search but is on Tidal. When adding it to your libabry in Tidal it is still not showing up in Roon.

Thanks Cameron Melbourne Australia

Hello @Jonathan_gutierrez,

I just wanted to check in with you and see if you are still missing those albums after logging out and back into TIDAL or if they now appear when you search the artist. The TIDAL section of the albums page are albums that are not currently in your library, so if you are not seeing the albums there, do they show up right above the Main Albums listing when you search for the artist?


Hello @Cameron_Ross,

When TIDAL releases a new album without notifying us of the album’s release, it sometimes takes a day or two for our systems to catch up and add it to our database. Does the album now appear in Roon as expected? You can read more regarding this expected behavior on Mike’s post here.



Still have the same problem I don’t understand why. Does it has to do anything with me being in Puerto Rico?



Hello @Jonathan_gutierrez,

I apologize about the slight delay in getting back to you here. We have noticed the same behavior on our end regarding the albums not showing up when using a Puerto Rico TIDAL account in Roon and I have opened a ticket with our developers to investigate this issue further. I will be sure to update you once they have completed their investigation and have passed on their report back to me.


A post was split to a new topic: TIDAL Playback Fails - “Transport: Too many failures. Stopping Playback.”

That’s good to hear! I’m on a trial and to be honest that’s the only thing keeping me away from buying it please let me know when fixed.

Hi noris,

No new on the problem with Roon and Tidal PR? My trial is ending and I do love Roon but most of my music comes from tidal and its missing too much music for me to spend the money now.

Hello @Jonathan_gutierrez,

Thank you for the follow up. While our dev team understands where the issue lies, we will likely need some assistance from TIDAL to correct it. Unfortunately, this means that we can’t provide a timeline of when the issue will be fixed.

We have a few options moving forward:

  1. We can extend your current trial for an extra month due to this inconvenience
  2. We can notify you once we have a solution for this issue and provide another trial then

Either option works for us, just please let us know which option you prefer and we’ll make the necessary changes to your account.


Hello @noris

Anything new?


Hey Jonathan,

Unfortunately, I don’t have an update for you on this yet. We believe this issue lies in how TIDAL streams content to Puerto Rico accounts, but we have not been able to get this resolved with them yet.

We will let you know when we have some news here, but I suspect if you’re able to use a TIDAL account from another territory things will work properly.

Again, our apologies for the trouble here – we’ll be in touch when we have more to report.

:frowning: K I guess I can try and make an account outside of PR if I do can I get the month trial?

Hello @Jonathan_gutierrez ,

Yup, we can do that. Just let us know if you have created a TIDAL account outside of Puerto Rico and @kevin can set you up with a new month-long trial.
